Défonceuse de précision bi-mode plongeante 1 400 W
Défonceuse primée pourvue d'un moteur compact et puissant de 1 400 W avec régulation électronique de vitesse entre 8 000 et 21 000 min-1 sous charge. Goupilles intégrées sur la semelle pour montage rapide sur plaque de montage compatible avec la table de défonceuse Triton TWX7RT001. Tourelle à réglage simple 3 positions pour des profondeurs de coupe prédéfinies précises. Commutateur de modes (plongée ou stationnaire) avec réglage de la hauteur par système à pignon et à crémaillère.
Les pinces de serrage permettent de s'adapter à tous les types de fraises
Moteur puissant de 1 400 W maintient la vitesse sous charge
Le blocage automatique de l'arbre ne s'enclenche que si le cache de l'interrupteur est fermé
Le démarrage progressif et la vitesse variable fournissent la vitesse adéquate pour chaque taille de fraise
Passage du mode plongeant au mode semi-stationnaire à réglage à crémaillère d'un simple bouton Single button switches from plunge to fixed based router with rack and pinion adjustment
Le réglage micrométrique permet une sélection précise et continue de la profondeur sur toute la course de plongée
Le réglage de la hauteur par système à pignon et à crémaillère ainsi que le remontoir de la table vous épargneront de devoir recourir à des mécanismes de levage onéreux pour l'utiliser sur établi
La vitesse contrôlée électroniquement assure une finition parfaite sur tous les matériaux
Le ressort de plongée est amovible pour régler facilement la fraise en montage sur table
La tourelle graduée à 3 butées permet de réaliser des coupes à des profondeurs prédéfinies précises
Le pare-éclat intégral procure un maximum de protection dans la zone de coupe et permet l'extraction aisée de la poussière
La plaque de guidage procure un contrôle optimum pour les utilisations manuelles et les coupes circulaires
Les goupilles de montage rapide permettent de fixer et d'enlever la défonceuse facilement du guide et du plateau de table Triton TWX7RT001
Les aérations latérales réduisent l'infiltration de poussière dans le boitier du moteur lorsqu'elle est montée sur table
L'excellente extraction de la poussière procure un espace de travail plus sain et sûr
L'accès rapide aux balais de charbon pour pouvoir les remplacer rapidement
Le changement de fraise en montage sur table avec la seule clé s'effectue avec le verrouillage automatique de l'arbre
Le cache de l'interrupteur se ferme lors d'un changement de fraise pour éviter le démarrage de la défonceuse
Bagues de copiage usinées en laiton chromé et socles de guidage en acier chromé. Bagues de copiage avec trous d'aération pour extraction des poussières. Comprend 8 bagues de copiage (Ø externe 5/16", 3/8", 7/16”, 1/2", 5/8", 51/64", 3/4" et 30 mm), bague de centrage (adaptateur), entretoise de table et 2 vis M4.
Le plateau support chromé et les rails de guidage donnent une structure robuste lorsqu'ils sont combinés au plastique résistant aux chocs. Mécanisme de fixation rapide assurant un temps de fixation minimal et une simplicité de fixation sur les rails. Compatible avec l'ensemble de la gamme des défonceuses Triton.
Module table de défonceuse conçu spécialement pour le Workcentre TWX7. Compatible avec les défonceuses Triton (TRA001, MOF001 et JOF001) pour façonner, raboter, rainurer, créer des moulures et des encoches. Guide principal et guides latéraux en aluminium extrudé avec micro réglages et entretoises rotatives, protections multipositions et tubulure d'extraction des poussières. Comporte des peignes horizontaux (2) et verticaux (2) à installation rapide. Assemblage et configuration faciles. Associé au Workcentre TWX7, il permet d'obtenir une vraie table pour défonceuse pour des résultats professionnels. Matériaux et composants haute qualité assurant une longue durée de vie. Peut être complété avec divers accessoires proposés en option pour encore plus de fonctionnalités.
Permet d'éviter l'accumulation de sciure et l'engorgement de l'aspirateur. Fournit une capacité de 23 litres. Facile à manier et à vider. Construction en plastique rigide. Convient à la plupart des produits comportant une sortie d'extraction de la poussière.
As a small router this one is very easy to use but powerful enough for most uses. Ine is mounted under a portable router table. The precision adjusted makes it simple to get precise height changes without a lift. The auto lock also ensure but changing is easy.
EasyEnTee - 26/03/2024
I own this tool and it’s amazing how easy it is to configure it and use it. Until now I only used it as a handheld router and it was quite comfortable to handle. I’m looking forward to use it also in a router table
Great toolVassilis - 09/10/2023
excellent router, professional performance, handy (user friendly) and effective
Gute Fräser fur Heimwerk , dopel funkzion gut in Tisch montihren mit 12mm Zange ... Zufriden.
top Fräser fur HeimwerkVladimir Kopajev - 24/11/2022
Fantastique robustesse, très maniable "à la main" malgré son poids, qui finalement s'avère être un atout pour la stabilité en coupe. Plutôt silencieuse par rapport à d'autres défonceuses. Très bonne visibilité de la zone de travail. parfaite pour travailler "sous table". Très bien pensé. Bravo !
Avis produit MOF001JEAN - 27/06/2022
Grate machine i would not be without it now best router I ever bought
1400wat plunge routerRichard Grayson - 26/06/2022
rien à redire sur cette défonceuse, bien pensée, elle m'a permis de m'initier à cet outil avec plaisir et succès.
une défonceuse très pratique, bien penséedurbet guillaume - 20/05/2022
This router has become my go to. I like the power and it's precise.
I'm glad I bought thisEric - 01/12/2021
Wirklich durchdachte Oberfräse, welche hervorragend auch als "Tischfräse" eingesetzt werden kann. Einziger Verbesserungspunkt aus meiner Sicht wäre die Absaugung und ein etwas hochwertiger Schlüssel zum Lösen der Überwurfmutter.
Solide, durchdachte Oberfräse.Markus - 01/11/2021
Absolutely love my router plenty of power an easy to set up an operate.
Runs like a champNeal Impson - 28/06/2021
Ich habe mittlerweile schon einige Projekte mit der Oberfräse realisiert und bin grundsätzlich begeistert.
Im Stationärbetrieb (Frästischeinbau) zeigt sich jedoch eine kleine Schwachstelle. Bei mir ging die Höhenverstellung über die Kurbel trotz ausgebauter Feder von Mal zu Mal schwerer, begleitet von einem mahlenden Geräusch. Die Ursache war zwischen der Achse Nr. 34 und der im Gehäuse Nr. 32 eingepressten Unterlegscheibe Nr. 134 (siehe Explosionszeichnung). Hier kommt im Stationärbetrieb Druck drauf. Die Stelle war bei meiner Oberfräse auch nicht geschmiert. Hat also Metall auf Metall gerieben => hat gefressen.
Dank der detaillierten Explosionszeichnung lässt sich die Fräse aber leicht zerlegen. Die Achse habe ich leicht geschliffen, die Unterlegscheibe gewendet, und etwas Lagerfett dran. Jetzt funktioniert die Höhenverstellung Geräusch- und mühelos.
Sehr gute Oberfräse mit kleiner Schwachstelle im Stationärbetrieb (Tischeinbau)Thomas Kaiserauer - 17/11/2020
Great tool it's very smooth to use not very noisy, easy to change cutters with the addition of the extra safety with the switch would recommend
Mof001Alun Hughes - 21/06/2020
I purchased this to go with a Kreg router table. What a perfect combination. Everything feels like it's in the right place - making it easy to just reach under the table and make adjustments without even looking. So glad I picked this model.
Perfect For Router TableAlan Hampton - 16/06/2020
Perfekt für den Tischeinbau. Höhenverstellbar von oben bieten nicht viele Hersteller. Was nicht so toll ist der Fräserwechsel, grundsätzlich funktioniert das top von oben, nur leider muss die Fräse am Schalter ausgeschaltet werden, nur Strom entfernen funktioniert nicht.
Ansonsten ist die Leistung für Hobby Heimwerker völlig ausreichend.
Sehr EmpfehlenswertDaniel Scheunemann - 11/06/2020
This router represents the best value for money in its class; It’s feature set is Well implemented and unparalleled for the price.
I especially like the ability to use the unit in a router table without further modification, and the spindle lock that automatically prevents an accidental power-on by also locking the protective cover over the switch.
The only thing that prevents a 5-star rating is the fact that the plunge mechanism can be a little sticky.
What a fantastic routerThaddeus Robertson - 05/06/2020
I chose the 1400W version to keep a versatility compared to his big brother. It's powerful enough for most applications. But the most interesting part is the innovative and very useful features it provides.
Innovative useful features - robust designVahe Abrahamyan - 29/05/2020
Great Router with excellent handling.
RouterPhilipp Rödder - 25/05/2020
Router is in a midrange price for routers of similar size. However I think it has more features that make it easier and safer for people starting as well as people wanting to take the next step in improving their woodworking skills. That fact that it was relatively easy to set up under a router table makes it a much better than the cheaper brands. Only negative is that the instructions in the box are not very clear so had to find online forums to assist with some tasks during set up.
Best router for DIY and wood working enthusiastsMatt Thorley - 22/05/2020
I find this router to offer a great number of features, too many to list, very good quality construction and materials. The ease of use is quite good once you learn how to use it. My suggestion for improvement would be a better Owner’s Manual.
Triton RouterGreg Smalley - 16/05/2020
Perfect plunge router. Specially the adjustment from top of a router table is awesome and I think unique. The rest is like it has to be!
PerfectDaniel - 12/05/2020
The motor failed while routing a 1/4" dado 1/4" deep 6 weeks after I bought it. It only had about 10 minutes of run time on it. For a warranty Triton sent me a different used router without the 1/4" collet that I sent in with my router to the warranty repair place. Now the height adjustment has failed on the replacement router.
Failed after 6 weeks of light use, warrantee replacement unsatisfactory.John Radabaugh - 11/05/2020
Bin sehr zufrieden. Leistung reicht mir locker. Besonders gut finde ich die Montagemöglichkeit im Frästisch!
Und die gute Höheneinstellbarkeit! 👍🤠
Top Oberfräse!Olaf Müller - 08/05/2020
In the past ive only ever owned a 1/4" router with two sperate bases .but now i have this dual mode beast nothing will hold me back from trying out box joints as this machine has the grunt to cut thru layers of ply wood or hard wood to give stunning results. Am i glad i bought it ? Bloody oath i am now let the woodwork begin .
Great Dual Mode RouterMark A Sweet - 06/05/2020
Good design
RouterAndrew Watson - 28/04/2020
I am very happy to have this plunge router. I did a lot of research before buying my first plunge router, I highly suggest you consider this to start with, you will see a brand new possibility of woodworking. Great power for me, easy adjustment, efficient dust extraction, I think this router will go a very long way in my woodworking life.
Great plunge router to start and continue.Nick - 24/04/2020
I am making plantation shutters using the router in my homemade table.It is proving to be invaluable cutting mortise and tenon joints, rebates etc.I have also cut proper dovetail joints to make some drawers using sliders and jigs.Excellant power, and very easy to adjust height. also the new collets make removing cutters simple.
Router tableRoy Phillips - 22/04/2020
Mit meiner Oberfräse von Triton bin ich sehr zufrieden. Der Einsatz im Frästisch klappt super,
Super GerätFritz Brunner - 15/04/2020
This is a great router, even at a higher price point. The dual mode is very useful and accurate - easy to use by hand or locked in a table. Smooth and powerful enough for anything I need to do in hardwood, solid and very light for what it's capable of. Highly recommended. Save the extra money you would've spent and invest it in decent bits
Great router, absolute bargainLourens Smith - 09/04/2020
The router is a great machine!
Powerfull and smooth. Handy and easy to use. Also with some heavy cuttings, the engine doesn't reduce in speed and remain stable.
I will recommand this machine!
Great machineHenk de Warle - 07/04/2020
I would recommend this model very highly.
ExRobert A Donaldson - 02/04/2020
It is very fun to use a router (my first one). It is very stable, well manufactured and powerful. I bought good milling bits too, which explains the results. I bought this router to install it under a table, very useful.
One downside : first time I took the router in my hands, I heard a noise : a part was loose inside. I could manage to get it by removing the spring . But I couldn't know if it was important or not. After discussing with the support and some technical documentation, I could figure that the part felt inside during manufacturing but a new one had been put in place. So the router was functional. But watch out for quality control !
How nice !Mathieu Lds - 27/03/2020
Although new to routing, after a bit of practice, I found this straightforward to use. The router is well made and does everything I have so far wanted it to do.
Very pleasedPeter Curtis - 24/03/2020
"Delivered a couple of weeks ago and seems very well made and good quality. Controllability of depth is very easy and precise However instructions were a little bit vague and require some thought to get the tool set up from the packaging. Could also do with a carry case for storage and transportation "
RouterRobert A Doanaldson - 19/03/2020
Was able to fit this router to my DIY table with minimal issues. Height adjustment works great. Plenty of power for 1/2" bits. This is a well built unit with the actual user in mind.
Great Router For TableIvol Novak - 15/03/2020
Great device with very smart features. I replaced my old Bosch router by the MOF001 and I love it.
Orange is the new blueBjoern Wolfram - 05/03/2020
Really like the crank lift. Saves time of guess work for moving router bit up and down. Like the safety switch door. That way there is no possible turn on by accident.
OwnerKen - 02/03/2020
Very nice router has lots of power. I’m using it to run a spoilboard bit to flatten slab tables. I was very impressed at how much material you could cut and not slow it down. It is smooth with very little vibration in the handles. Very well built nice machine I would purchase again
Plunger router 1400 wPat - 02/03/2020
Very well built and with well thought out adjustable settings. This tool has been designed by people who have used and understand routers.
VersatileIvol Novak - 01/03/2020
Many of the features of this router are very nice. If all worked as it should, I would give it 5 stars. I particularly liked the one handed bit change. The problem, which caused me to return the tool, was that the handle depth adjustment didn't work. I suspect I received a defective model.
Nice tool, but problemsKeith Espenshade - 24/02/2020
Just received my Triton MOF001 Router. I have not had the opportunity to use it as yet due to sholder surgery, but I spent hours studing reviews, youtube videos, features of, and prices of many quality rouoters on the market. I must say that, after all the time I spent, I have made the best possible choice for the router which has the biggest list of featues and the best product warranty for the best price that my money can buy and I am looking forward to years of great service as I venture into the world of woodcraft. The router is already mounted to a Kreg full size router table which was an investment in and of itself. In my opinion there is no better matchup for routing than these two well crafted pieces of machinery.
Triton MOF001Dennis Bassett - 22/02/2020
Very good machine
1400 w Dual mode precision plunge routerGérard Rouchouse - 15/02/2020
Suggested by many woodworkers, the MOF001 satisfied all my expectations.
Powerful and reliableMauro Brunzu - 12/02/2020
I bought the Plunge Router. One small part of the machine fell off within the guarentee period. I contacted Triton Tools and received a complete new machine! What a service, thank you very much!
Perfect serviceRené - 26/01/2020
Love my new Triton router. I’ve used it with my 1/4” and 1/2” bits. Going from a 1 HP to a 2-1/4 HP is a huge difference. I built a router table wing on my table saw with a dust collection box and an adjustable fence. Being able to adjust the height from above the table is so nice. Fine tuning the bit height is so much easier now. The auto lock for single wrench bit change is much easier. I also love the base/circle jig that comes with it.
Triton Router Mof001Ken steele - 25/01/2020
je suis très content de la defonceuse
très stable et puissant.
bon produitFrédoc - 23/01/2020
This is the first new router I’ve ever bought, could only afford second hand as the big brands are so expensive ( trend etc)
I like the 3 modes to adjust the cutting depth as I use big surface cutters to flatten slabs
The on / off switch is a bit fiddly but it’s ok when you get used to it
Would definitely recommend this to anyone
MOF001 routerDavid Youel - 23/01/2020
I love the combination of fine height adjustment from top and quick release height adjustment.
Top for tableSiegi - 22/01/2020
The ease at which this router works is amazing! Such a smooth plunging mechanism with micro adjustments. This router has a great hand feel as you go around the piece your working on. So happy with this being my 3rd Triton product purchased!
So easy to useWayne Hanson - 11/01/2020
I have received the router for Christmas. I have not used it yet, but, I have had it out of the box. It appears to be very well made and comfortable to hold. It’s not to heavy, I can’t wait to use it.
I use this exclusively in my router table and have had no problems with it.
It's powerful for all practical needs and I love the way I can adjust the cut depth easily through the router table.
In the highest position the collet automatically locks enabling tool changes to be made very easily which is a great bonus.
Powerful & PracticalRichard Allen - 03/01/2020
This is exactly the type and size router I needed. The soft start and the single wrench collets are something I would now never do without. It’s good using in a router table as you can do all frequent adjustments above the table. My only negative is I had do some extra steps to make it easy and safe to start/stop the machine while mounted on a router table. I didn’t want to dismantle or alter the safety interlock so I keep the switch on, until I need to change bits, and I use a foot pedal switch to turn the machine on/off during normal operations.
Excellent routerBob wesneski - 20/12/2019
Fresatrice versatile, potente e precisa. Facile da utilizzare, stabile ma non pesante. Monta tutti i colletti fino al pollice. Ottima la possibilità di montarla con un banco fresa mantenendo il la regolazione della profondità sul piano di lavoro, grazie all'apposita asta. Sono estremamente soddisfatto: eccellente.
Eccellente prodottoGiovanni Foschini - 15/12/2019
Trés bon produit, conforme a mes attentes et au dessus de mon niveau de competence.
top 4 meATLAN - 11/12/2019
This is my second Router and I can not fault is in any way
MrRay Hollebon - 29/11/2019
I spent several weeks reviewing many routers on the market and there were quite a lot that sounded very good, but all had something about them that other reviewers felt let them down. That was until I discovered the Triton family of routers. So then I watched a lot of YouTube videos about those. Nobody seemed to have anything bad to say about them, which impressed me immensely. I settled on the MOF001 because it came packed with all the features I wanted plus many more that simply don't exist on other routers. I wanted a router to primarily fit into a router table and the MOF is made for this. The ability to wind the router up and down from above the table is absolute genius. When wound up to it's maximum, the spindle auto locks into place and so changing the cutter bit is so simple and effortless. You only need the one (supplied) spanner and you don't have to press in a button to hold the spindle or struggle with your fingers in a tight space to do this. It's so easy. There's I really handy and well designed extra base plate that incorporates the adjustable fence when used free hand. It even has an built in feature for cutting circles. The safety features are great and well thought out. You can't switch it on when the spindle is locked whilst changing the cutter. The depth settings are a pleasure to use. The 3 modes of plunging when used free hand make this a very easy and accurate router to use. It's called 'dual mode' because it's just as easy and efficient when used free hand or in a table. I could write so much more about this excellent router but my review would end up being a small novel. Check this router out on YouTube then go buy one. It is without doubt the best router out there. I love using it. You won't be disappointed.
A really great router.Andrew James - 26/11/2019
I did a large benchmarkt to finde out, which router suits best for my requirements. I decided ti get this Triton to mount it under a table. And i must say, it really works very fine! It is a perfect and strong router in my priviate workshop.
The only thing I am disppointed about, is, that I didn't get exact information about the borehole pattern for the M6 threads. In this point, I had to help myself. Only 4/5 due to that reason.
Great RouterPhilip - 24/11/2019
Machine parfaite pour le montage sous table et suffisamment légère pour être utilisée confortablement à la volée
Dommage que le guide parallèle ne dispose pas d'un réglage micrométrique et que l'adaptation des bagues de copiage ne soit pas livrée avec la machine.
Conforme à mes attentesChristian LACAN - 19/11/2019
I spent several weeks reviewing many routers on the market and there were quite a lot that sounded very good, but all had something about them that other reviewers felt let them down. That was until I discovered the Triton family of routers. So then I watched a lot of YouTube videos about those. Nobody seemed to have anything bad to say about them, which impressed me immensely. I settled on the MOF001 because it came packed with all the features I wanted plus many more that simply don't exist on other routers. I wanted a router to primarily fit into a router table and the MOF is made for this. The ability to wind the router up and down from above the table is absolute genius. When wound up to it's maximum, the spindle auto locks into place and so changing the cutter bit is so simple and effortless. You only need the one (supplied) spanner and you don't have to press in a button to hold the spindle or struggle with your fingers in a tight space to do this. It's so easy. There's I really handy and well designed extra base plate that incorporates the adjustable fence when used free hand. It even has an built in feature for cutting circles. The safety features are great and well thought out. You can't switch it on when the spindle is locked whilst changing the cutter. The depth settings are a pleasure to use. The 3 modes of plunging when used free hand make this a very easy and accurate router to use. It's called 'dual mode' because it's just as easy and efficient when used free hand or in a table. I could write so much more about this excellent router but my review would end up being a small novel. Check this router out on YouTube then go buy one. It is without doubt the best router out there. I love using it. You won't be disappointed.
So many features, it leaves other routers standing!Andrew James - 12/11/2019
Machine bien adaptée au travail sous table mais d'un poids encore acceptable pour l'utiliser à la volée.
Dommage que la fixation des bagues de copiage ne soit pas livrée en standard.
Exxcellente machineC. LACAN - 05/11/2019
Everything about this router is terrific. The adjustments, the safety features, the power and ease-of-use is absolutely terrific! Sorry, but there’s one issue that has no explanation… There is no reasonable legible manual! Write a new manual that actually outlines and tells you how do use it and this will be the best router on the market.
Great Router!... Terrible users manual…Joe vulgan - 21/10/2019
A strong robust router that has the power to cut through the toughest jobs.
The tool to buyJim Dallimore - 21/10/2019
Have used this product a few times now and found it fulfils my requirements perfectly. Has plenty of power so glad I didn't upgrade to the 2100W option as this model has more than enough power for my woodworking jobs. Very good safety features but a bit tricky to perfect the depth using the rotating knob whilst cutting but has improved with practice. Very happy with product and will definitely look at Triton products again for future purchases.
1400W Plunge RouterAndrew Mclaren - 16/10/2019
After a few weeks working with this router I am very happy with it. It came with a circle cutting pivot mount and some other accessories, but the main use is in a router table with a Kreg mounting plate. I love the accurate depth adjustment using the built in lift and the automatic spindle lock when changing bits. It is not as powerful as the TRA001, but it is plenty for use in my hobby workshop.
Great router for the hobby workshopBoris Radosavljevic - 10/10/2019
I’ve purchased this router about 2 months ago and I use it almost every day. I have to say that it’s got loads of great features that are very useful if you’re a joiner. I would consider buying other power tools from Triton.
Great router all around!Mike Audet - 08/10/2019
Not happy with this router. If you use in a table, it doesn’t stay positioned after you lock it and then unlock it to make a refined adjustment. I had the router locked and made a cut. My cut needed a slight adjustment. But, when I unlocked it, it fell down 1/8”. Therefore I lost my reference point.
Also the users manual is not even a joke… It is god awful. The text is six points barely legible is so small. And, the explanation of how to use and make adjustments it is very minimal. The manual is rendered virtually useless. yes it is a shame.
Knowing what I know now I would not buy this router.
Triton 2.25 HP RouterJoe Vulgan - 08/10/2019
I recently purchased the Triton MOF001 router. I have mounted it on a home made router table. Instead of getting underneath the table with one hand pushing in the spindle lock and the other hand unscrewing the collet. The automatic spindle lock means I can now change router bits easily with one hand on top of the table. The fine depth adjustment can now be done easily and accurately from the table top. As I don't have a Triton router table my router will be permanently attached to the table making it fiddly to remove it to use as a hand held router and make use of the router fence. But this fence makes it easier to control the router unlike the fences that come with other routers. This router is also much quieter than other routers I have used.
The router has performed extremely well and has exceeded expectations. The build quality and performance are exceptional.
MOF001 reviewThomas Simpson - 30/08/2019
I purchased this product on the back of users comments and I wasn't disappointed. There are plenty of in depth reviews extolling the virtues of this router so its unecessary to repeat what has already been said, but for me it's an excellent product with great features at a reasonable price.
Would not hesitate to recommend.
MOF001 RouterAndy Eblett - 30/08/2019
Having recently completing 2 guitar building courses at Crimson Guitars and using Triton Tools in their workshop when it came time to purchase my own Router I didn't hesitate in choosing Tritons Plunge Router.
Comfortable too use, the plunge mechanism is smooth to operate, extremely accurate, soft touch and multi speed is an absolute must , I also think the safety start switch is a fantastic idea, router bits are easily changed, well worth the money.
Best for moneyRoger Springer - 21/08/2019
I've had this router for a few months and all I can say is I couldn't be happier. I've mounted it in my Paulk bench and it works like a charm. I'm using a woodpeckers router plate and a safety switch and it just eats everything you can throw at it. Above table adjustment is so easy. Switching to hand held is just 4 screws. There are no negatives.
MOF001Mike Griffith - 16/08/2019
Just got the router for my birthday. It’s perfect. The circle cutting function is awesome. Just waiting to try it mounted under the router table
Triton Mof001Michele - 14/08/2019
After completing 2 guitar building courses at Crimson Guitars and exclusively using Triton tools in their workshop when the time came to purchase my own router I had no hesitation in choosing Tritons 1400w plunge router.
The controls are well located and the accuracy and ease of use and smooth plunge mechanism are without doubt faultless, I particularly like the safety switch feature and the variable speed control ,
Very easy to use and 3 year warranty and also a great price.. Excellent product
FaultlessRoger Springer - 14/08/2019
I purchased this router to replace my old machine. I needed an under table and hand machine without the expense of an under table mechanism, this machine delivers on both counts. It has many features that other machines don't have. I like the micro depth feature while hand routing which doubles up for the under table adjustment from the top. I have been very satisfied when I have used the machine by hand but look forwards to finishing my table to try the machine to its full potential. It would have been nice to have a larger collet (1/2" ) in the collection but for a small cost it's a very small negative.
Value for moneyBernard - 28/07/2019
I purchased this unit to mainly be set up in a Bench top router table because of the ease to set bit height adjustment as well as the need for a 1/2 & 1/4 inch bit use. I am very impressed with this unit and its features with only approx. 3 hrs of use so far. This unit is quieter, more accurate, deeper plunge depth with auto shaft lock for changing bits, and a safety switch lock out that I didn't like, but its about safety & I am getting use to it. When needing to rout, I find myself looking forward to doing the task knowing that the results will be good compared to my older other router. I believe the R&D Team definitely got it right. 10/10
MOF001 An excellent Router for all wood workers arsenalKevin Shapland - 21/07/2019
.. die bedienung des geräts alleine gefällt mir aufgrund des designs der hubvorrichtung nur begrenzt, begeistert mich jedoch in verbindung mit dem TWX7 RT001. nachdem es von vornherein dafür gedacht war und ist ergibt sich u.a. mit dem integrierten lift und der doppelten staubabsaugung eine aus meiner sicht excellente lösung. das gerät könnte nur etwas leiser sein und über die standfestigkeit kann ich derzeit noch nichts sagen.
I wish I had bought my Triton router earlier. I tried several other (lets say cheaper) machines but the Triton router stole my heart as soon as I unpacked it. I really like the features this router has. The lock system and height adjustment, the safety on the switch when installing a new bit are only some of the many features. I use it for routing drumshells and have it installed as a table router. The router comes with a winder handle for easy heigth adjustment and this was the reason that convinced me to buy one. I really recommend the Triton router. Because of its features It is easy of use this router will be of great value to your projects. Go for it! :-)
Should have done this soonerToine - 21/07/2019
I purchased the MOF001 to replace my non branded hand held machine. I required more power from a hand held machine with under table capability,this machine provides that, without the expense of additional lift mechanisms. I have used the router to help build my router table. I am very pleased with the performance and look forward to use it on the project it was purchased for. It is full of features. I do like the micro adjustment which will come in handy when fitted to the table.
Value for moneyBernard - 20/07/2019
Great value for money.
Very niceRené - 20/07/2019
I am a relative novice when it comes to routers but this one is just amazing. Used it on a router table and it was simplicity to install. The safety features are well thought-out and the bit changing is the easiest I have ever seen. Smooth operation and my first project turned out good enough for a Fathers Day gift.
Superb toolShaun Edley - 13/07/2019
Bought this router as an upgrade from an earlier Triton router I had purchased. Now one is mounted in my table and the other is available for jobs that don't work out using the table. Actually, currently seriouly thinking about adding a TRA to my collection.
Solid RouterDavid - 12/07/2019
I love the Triton router. It helps me to perform the highest quality I execpt from a power tool. For my shop www.tonedrums.com I build wooden snare drums. The workshop I have is small but efficient and the router fits in nicely. I praise it's accuracy, it's ease of use and robustness on the job. And believe me I tried other brands that did not fullfil the need and quality I expected. This router is the best bamg for your buck. Halleluja to the developers of Triton and keep designing great power tools. :-)
This Triton router is accurate and robustToine van der Wielen - 09/07/2019
Que dire?
C'est du TRITON; c'est puissant, c'est fonctionnel, c'est bien construit, c'est fiable, c'est évident, c'est top.
celle qu'il fautDENIS David - 30/06/2019
still the best router on the market by far
RouterAlain Bozelle - 22/06/2019
The Triton 1400w router has some great features. The auto spindle lock and height winder for table use is brilliant. Would recommend
Lots of featuresG. M. - 14/06/2019
Nachdem ich einige billigere und auch deutlich teurere Oberfräsen ausprobiert hatte viel meine Wahl auf die MOF 001 und wurde nicht enttäuscht. Die Möglichkeit sie auch in einen Tisch einzubauen ist ein zusätzliches Bonbon.
Beste Oberfräse in dieser PreisklasseAchim Woebke - 14/06/2019
good tools
toolsEvaldas - 14/06/2019
I bought this machine as a novice to the world of routering. It turns out to be very user-friendly and versatile. So far I've only used it as a hand router, looking forward to mounting it under my workbench very much. I can surely reccomend this machine to anyone, newbie or professional, it's a serious bang for your buck.
Excellent machineBrian Duivis - 11/06/2019
Trovo il router Triton uno strumento valido e affidabile, non solo per uso hobbistico, con buon rapporto qualità prezzo. La potenza di 1400 W credo sia più che sufficiente. Ottima anche la stabilità soprattutto col piano che espande la superficie. Da notare la predisposizione per montaggio sottotavolo con la leva di regolazione altezza inclusa.
Router MOF001Savojni Mauro - 10/06/2019
Yet another perfect addition to my collection of Triton tools. The best router I have used.
RouterAlain Bozelle - 08/06/2019
first job and am surprised what I can do whit wood...this router gave me easy job and chance for production any type profile of architrave, hand rail e.t.c. many thanks
workMarek Golubiewski - 22/05/2019
I love my new triton router. Best I’ ever owned
RouterPaul Gilley - 21/04/2019
Bought to be used under table to replace an old one, I appreciate so much the function especially made for this purpose.
It's so easy to change the bit and to adjust the depth that I never hesitate anymore changing tools.
I feel realy secured.
Dust collection is also OK.
Very happy
Very Clever toolPhilippe Mac - 05/04/2019
Although the instructions that came with the router are, at times, less than intuitive, the router works wonderfully. Dust collection works like a charm.
Very Workable RouterFrank Bergfield - 19/02/2019
One of the best routers you can buy for flattening slabs. This router is a workhorse and is one of my favourite routers by far.
Great RouterAndrew - 28/01/2019
This is my first router and I am thrilled how easy it is to do millings. The machine is very easy to use and the supplied accessories are very well suited for the first milling trials. A clear buy recommendation from me.
Easy use even for beginnersCarsten Seidl - 26/01/2019
I chose this router after reading many, many reviews and was confident I wouldn't be disappointed. It has turned out to be even better than I could have hoped for.
Build quality is excellent, it deals easily with the half inch shank cutters and is feature-rich in a way that you would expect from routers at three times the price.
My only minor gripe is that it came with a 1/4" and 8mm collets, would have been far better with a 1/4" and a 1/2" but at a paltry £13 for the additional collet it's hardly worth mentioning.
I'll be back for more Triton products if they're half as well made as this router.
Couldn't be happierBen Clarke - 21/01/2019
Ich schreibe äußerst selten Reviews. Aber in diesem Fall muss ich meine Begeisterung los werden.
An dieser Oberfraese ist wirklich alles bis ins letzte Detail durchdacht. Ich hatte vorher ein Gerät von der Firma Bosch. Dieses war für mich sehr viel komplizierter in der Einstellung.
Besonders komfortabel ist natürlich die Höheneinstellung durch den Frästisch. Diese nutze ich sehr häufig, und es funktioniert sehr einfach.
Ich würde diese Fräse sofort wieder kaufen.
Die beste OberfräseNaujoks Jürgen - 18/01/2019
Good value for the money...has all the features of some costing a third more.
RouterJohn McNamara - 15/01/2019
I have owned the machine for close to 2 years. I have found it very easy to use with many useful features. As an overall conclusion its price, in relation to build quality and features makes it a very attractive buy.
MOF001Robert Kennedy - 04/01/2019
I had been looking for a 1/2 router for some time and most of the ones I had look at not for router tables then I came across Triton had a look on YouTube which help me make up my mind I was a bit unsure about the fence/baseplate it works very well and so easy to adjust and the way it works in the table with fine adjustments is so easy,plunge system work well do a few dry runs to get your head around the working of the router and you will wonder how you mange’s before. The router feels so robust that it’s going to last a long time so glad I chose Trition
Working with my Triton routerJohn hamblett - 02/01/2019
Works exactly how I need it to.
Well DesignedAlan F - 02/01/2019
I have tested only two routers before Triton's one : Bosch and Dewalt ones.
The Triton is so well engineered compared to the previous ones.
Better handled, with all settings accessible easily, and with some astucious things (like power button blocked when accessing to tool, compas tool included, really well guided parallel guide, etc...)
Even for begginers, it could be a good starting tool for wood working (i.e. not limited to pro)
MOF001 review from begginerSPOOR - 02/01/2019
Works well.
Generally a good machineG Palin - 30/12/2018
For using fixed on a router table it's perfect. Changing the router is possible from top as well as changing the hight of it.
For free hand use the push down works only fluent when pushed on one handle, if pushed on both silmutanisly it should move easier in my opinion.
The power and feel is very good.
Perfect for table mountKay Bursig - 19/12/2018
Needed a lift, this router provides a lift and safety with ease of changing bit above the table. Took a little bit of effort to set up and get dialed in, all good now, love it!
Perfect for a router tableEric moberg - 17/12/2018
This is my first Triton tool and it fills me with confidence to buy other Triton tools. The Triton plunge router is one of the only routers I have come across that can be lifted up and down on a router table without having to buy an expensive router lift. The design is easy to use. It also comes with an extra wide base plate and other accessories that make the router extremely versatile. Speed adjustment is another bonus. All in all this tool is excellent value for money and very happy with my purchase.
Great router that can be used on a router tableManu Wegmershaus - 01/12/2018
I use the router with insert plate and. I Love the possibility to adjust it from above. The router is perfect for me.
Perfect RouterWaldemar Rempel - 21/11/2018
Bought this product for use on a router table and its brilliant with very easy height adjustment
MOF001 routerPeter Green - 12/11/2018
Jest to dla mnie pierwszy Triton. Używam ten wiórnik do wyrównywania większych obszarów drewna. Szczególnie doceniam funkcje bezpieczeństwa, osłonę na wiertło. Jak dotychczas narzędzie to gładko przemieszcza się po drewnie, jego sękach, epoxy. Nie zauważyłem nadmiernego kopnięcia przy starcie.
To jest bestiaPiotr - 11/11/2018
excellent build quality plus great features , worlds apart from the bosch one that it replaced and worth every penny . Feels well balanced and easy to use free hand with the variable speeds and quick change height adjustments . would recommend this to anyone after a new router and once money allows will be investing in some more Triton products .
fantastic productphill hills - 09/11/2018
Very good product, a must have for woodworking!!
ROUTER REVIEWVK - 09/11/2018
We have a 2400W Triton router at our Men's Shed and I have always been impressed by how easy it is to use when mounted in a router table. When it was time to replace my home router I didn't hesitate to buy a Triton. For the work that I do the 1400W model has ample power and I'm very happy with it.
Highly RecommendedGeoff Harris - 09/11/2018
I am glad to have chosen the brand Triton. Above all, the clever height adjustment when installed under the table is captivating
CLEVERHeinz Heisters - 08/11/2018
Nice designed tool ,ready day after day for the job.
I have had this router for the past couple months and it has been great!
I just made a router table for this router and that is where it shines brightest!
I like the soft start, ease of dialing in the right depth and the stability.
Great RouterPatrick - 06/11/2018
Very pleased with this machine. I particularly like the precision of adjustment and the ease of use.
MOG001John Desborough - 06/11/2018
This replaced a cheapie B&Q router and the difference is chalk and cheese. Nicely balanced, surprisingly quiet and light enough for hand use. The router table router lift system works perfectly in my home-built table. It is now so easy to change router bits. The safety features are a welcome bonus.
Triton MOF 001 - great routerKenneth Stewart - 06/11/2018
Das ist mein erstes Tool von Triton und ich bin sehr begeistert von dieser Oberfrâse!
Ein sehr präzises und professionelles Gerät.
Sehr professionelles GerätRainer Schwemlein - 06/11/2018
I searched a long time and compared several brands. But the Triton MOF 001 is the winner, especially practically when mounted under the worktable. Unsurpassed the ability to easily adjust the cutting height from above! Thank you for your know how!
MOF 001: That's itHeinz Heisters - 25/10/2018
Ich habe die MOF001 eigentlich gekauft um sie in einen Tisch einzubauen. Aber auch mit der Hand läßt sie sich gut führen und bedienen. Aber ihre wirklichen Stärken hat sie definitiv im Tisch. Ohne Murren bewältigt sie auch grösere Aufgaben mit bravour. Würde sie auf jeden Fall wieder kaufen
Einfach SchickDieter - 24/10/2018
This is my first router purchase (based upon a friend's advice) and I couldn't be happier with the purchase. I have quickly been able to use this router at a proficiency level that has really surprised me. This is in no small part due to the design features incorporated into the tool. I have been able to do complex insets for recessed handles and locks with fine depth control surprisingly easily. I actually look forward to jobs that give me the opportunity to use this tool - hats off to Triton, very happy indeed.
Triton Router MOF001Peter arratt - 23/10/2018
Ideal mid weight router, well made and easy to use. Great safety features and the micro adjustment raising feature means no expensive router lift is needed when mounted in a router table.
Triton MOF0001 RouterKenneth Stewart - 23/10/2018
I have used my MOF001 mostly in a router table , and found the fitting of it to be a little fiddley , but it works well . The orange coarse adjustment ring is a bit difficult to operate under the table . I hope it will become easier with more use . The one spanner bit change is great , it's a wonder more manufacturers don't use it . Overall I'm very happy with my purchase and would recommend the MOF001 to anyone looking for a quality tool . This review is ,of course , capable of instant change if the machine does not continue to function well .
Great quality tool , ( so far ! ) .Robert Shaw - 23/10/2018
Excellent machine, I really like the precision of the depth adjustment and the ease of changing bits.
MOF001 RouterJohn Desborough - 23/10/2018
Easy plunge mechanism. Much easier to use than other routers I’ve had in the past. Also works great in table, with above table adjustments and easy access for bit changes. Was very difficult to get bit in initially and then almost impossible to get out the first time, but eased up significantly after that. Did not fit the table plate with my table, but that isn’t triton’s fault. Overall very happy with the purchase.
Triton plunge routerJames Sterner - 11/07/2018
easy to change bits
easy setup
smooth operator
nice to have
1400w dual mode precision router mof001Frikkie van Zyl - 11/07/2018
Excellent tool, work perfectly,high quality of material.
MOF001 1400wBonnave - 10/07/2018
Firstly this router is excellent except for one thing, my previous router was a Trend which had a soft start feature and although this is advertised as having soft start it's not obvious and has a slight kick on starting. However the unique feature of having the rack and pinion height adjustment is superb along with including a height adjustable handle. A bag or similar to store when not in use would be nice to buy from your website would be a good idea. So would have been 5 stars but due to the advertised feature being absent, 4 stars.
Soft start?Peter Taylor - 15/06/2018
This is a big step forward in routing, using rack and pinion to adjust the height of the cutter head, but one downside is the soft start or rather lack of it, I received my first router and returned it as I believed it had a fault but the second one was exactly the same. My problem with the soft start is not a great one as the motor is not that huge but it still 'kicks' I've had power tools with this feature before in fact the router it was replacing was 2000w Trend, this had soft start when powered up slowly started with no kick whatsoever. It's a shame about the soft start otherwise this would have been perfect with 5 stars.
Triton MOF001Peter Taylor - 01/06/2018
Benutzt wird die MOF001 in einem Frästisch, optimal zum Arbeiten. Schneller Fräserwechsel und enorm viel Power.
Very good router. The best I have ever used. I recommend buying.
MOF001Austin Seymour - 18/05/2018
La MOF001 est une bonne machine, son utilisation sous table est fiable et elle n'est pas trop lourde à la volée. Précise et puisante. Gros point négatif : Triton est très attaché au système impérial, notamment pour ses bagues à copier ! En France les fraises vendues sont en mesure métrique ... difficile de faire du fraisage complémentaire avec tout ça. Je vais devoir acheter des fraises en 1/2"
Bonne machineBOHAER - 17/05/2018
Incredible beautiful tool, durable, excellent materials, the fair compromise
for manual or stationary use
AwesomeClaus - 16/05/2018
Cette défonceuse est très bien conçue , donc pratique, précise, sûre et solide. C'est une qualité de professionnelle. Interrupteur sécurisé, démarrage progressif, changement d'outils facilités. Dommage que les bagues de copiages soient vendues séparément et donc à un prix un peu dissuasif. Je recommande cette machine à tous utilisateur de défonceuse. Triton devrait encore proposer un modèle plus petit du type affleureuse, utilisable à une main.
La meilleure défonceuse du marchéBernard T. - 15/05/2018
Very happy I chose this router. If only you also had a smaller one too
WoodworkerStan Herried - 14/05/2018
It works fine. Intelligent construction.
Awesome plunge routerDavid Pfengler - 12/05/2018
Very good router, the price is reasonable, functionality is perfect.
Triton 1400Austin Seymour - 03/05/2018
Perfektes Werkzeug, trotz des relativ hohen Gewichts macht sie einen handlichen Eindruck. Man kann präzise damit arbeiten. Was will man mehr?
PerfektKonrad - 03/05/2018
Having now used the router for about a month in my home shop, I'm really impressed with it's features. I particularly like the spindle lock arrangement for changing bits and the turret depth stops which allow for pretty good depth control.
MOF001 ReviewDavid Edwards - 01/05/2018
Bought this router to go into my first router table build. After lots of research I couldn't find a better tool for my first router table. The table is simple build from plywood and and 1 inch laminated MDF top from and old desk. With the MOF001 I get above the table bit change without an expensive router lift. I get dust collection below the table from the routers built in dust port and above the table from an in fence fixture i built.
Great for your first router table.John Cooling - 25/04/2018
I now have two Triton routers in router tables. An older 3 hp (before the above table adjustment) and the new 2 hp. Both have performed perfectly and I wouldn't buy anything else.
Excellent Router for Router TableCharles Drake - 24/04/2018
Smooth, quiet, and easy to set up.
Plunge routerJohn Skvorak - 22/04/2018
I like the tool! It works reliably, solidly and powerfully. It also makes a good impression in the processing. Despite the relatively high weight, you do not feel it's too heavy. I would buy the plunge router again!
My favorite tool!Konrad - 19/04/2018
i am getting used to its technical parts such as the switch cover but it is a excellent tool and fits in my old Triton table .I would recommend the purchase of this router for any person who rounds over the edges of boards etc
1400w plunge routerJohn Craze - 07/04/2018
I found the Triton MOF001 Router to be one of the best around. It is not too heavy yet powerful and although it comes with a 1/4" collet you can purchase a 1/2 collet quite cheaply. The plunge ring is easy to use and when fitted into a router table the winder handle is a really useful gadget to make micro adjustments to the height. Would certainly recommend this model to anyone
One of the bestJoseph Timmins - 04/04/2018
Quiet, easy to use, pleasure to own. Thank you Triton.
Triton router blissJacob Myers - 25/03/2018
This is a really nice router Love the rack and pinion on the router makes it really easy to plunge down
RouterTony Weichel - 25/03/2018
best plunge router i ever owned.
fantasticRonnie Hood - 24/03/2018
a router that suits my needs excellent for rounding over the toys that i make for the salvation army christmas presants
routerJohn Craze - 22/03/2018
It's sturdy, accurate and easy to use. It's quiet and fast. It works great hand held and in table, specially with kreg insert plate. Changing router bits is fast and easy, you can change them above the table with insert plate and that really makes a difference. Only thing that bothers is the chip guard. It slightly blocks the view but all routers do that. Simply remove the guard if you want. Nevertheless it's basically everything you want a router to be. A really great buy.
Great buy!Antti Vainikainen - 18/03/2018
sehr gutes Gerät
HerrJohannes Mlsna - 12/03/2018
Functionality of this is way better than others on the market. The price seems a bit steep until you try it and then you can understand it is quite a bargain.
Great little routerJeff van Niekerk - 11/03/2018
I purchased this router after looking at many reviews. I was after a router to fit into a router table and this seemed to fit my requirements. I especially liked the way in which the router can be adjusted from above the router table with the use of the tool provided and the way in which the spindle automatically locks to change the router bit. I've found that the router has had plenty of power for what I have needed it for. I do find the adjustment from plunge router to fixed router a little difficult to use, it is rather stiff and requires considerable strength to hold in the adjustment knob, I hope that this will free up a little with more use. As I say I bought this to use with a router table, only to find that the Triton router table RTA300 is currently unavailable. I'm hoping that the Triton router table will be available again soon so that I can make full use of this excellent router.
Excellent MOF001 RouterMike Gane - 10/03/2018
After reading such positive reviews I was not disappointed in this excellent Router.
Well done Triton.
Great productGordon Smith - 03/03/2018
This Router has features I never knew existed. Wow! I love the simplicity of changing bits. No more scraped knuckles from using 2 wrenches that always seem to slip. I love the multiple plunge settings. This is a tool with POWER. It has safety features and is a great time saver.
Plunge RouterCharles Hall - 28/02/2018
bon outil, la poignée de réglage pas très facile à manipuler et qui fait un peu fragile sinon mise sous table facile, blocage pour changement de fraise sécuritaire, elle a pour elle aussi un très bon rapport qualité / prix
polyvalenteCATARINO serge - 28/02/2018
brilliant more than happy
mof001 routerpaul shakespeare - 22/02/2018
really nice and multiuse machine! Free hand and table mounted and also precise and fast to adjust the working depth! Also the drive to adjust the depth with only one hand works well! Power is also sufficient! Would buy it once more again :-)
MOF001Wolfgang H - 18/02/2018
Only had this product for two weeks, but so far very impressed. Not surprised after reading so many excellent reviews.
First timerGordon Smith - 17/02/2018
Great tool and a very good service regarding questions about the functionality of the tool
MOF001 ExperiencePaul Mueller - 15/02/2018
wow what an excellent piece of kit better than i expected does what it says on the tin love it
très bon produit. prise en main aisée et facile.
notice assez claire pour ce type d'appareil.
efficace et précise, nombreux réglages et pré réglages qui facilitent la vie et permettent un large éventail de possibilité de travail.
Bruit très acceptable, surtout au vue de la puissance de la machine!!
Maniabilité et prise en main très agréable.
defonceuse MOF001Royer - 05/02/2018
Great router, powerful, precise and easy to use.
Should have done it sooner.Tim Brumfield - 03/02/2018
Frezarki używam amatorsko. Kupiłem ją z przeznaczeniem do montażu na stałe do stolika firmy Kreg. Ma praktyczny włącznik, regulator wysokości i sprawuje się super.
Frezarka MOF001Dominik - 03/02/2018
Having done alot of research before buying a router this model seemed to fit all of my requirements. Having received the router I discovered that it was very well made in all areas and the plunge was very smooth with no stickey areas,the colett was easy to fit and again well made. Having used it for a few weeks now this is a great machine in all plunge situations that I have used it. I can't comment on using it as a table router as do not have a table at present.
Plunge router MOF 001Martin mortimer - 03/02/2018
Good Tool and great service
Triton MOF01Paul Mueller - 01/02/2018
Hi, bought this to replace an old Bosch I was given. Intention was mainly to use it for cutting access holes in particle board flooring. was really impressed with the quality of the machine and decided to convert an old desk into a router table by inserting and mounting it in a Kreg router plate. The setup works absolutely brilliantly and I can adjust and change cutters by means of the inbuilt lift and winder handle. A great buy and highly recommended piece of kit. Bravo Triton!
Quality productDavid Neale - 31/01/2018
Bought the router specifically for mounting upside down in a dedicated compact table. Have only done a few cuts so far. I like the soft start, its has a minor delay before powering up, but no problem. I really like the handle winder height adjuster, makes adjusting finish heights easy. Likewise the above-the-table collet lock feature requiring only one spanner. A router with well thought-out features.
MOF001 routerAdam Grace - 21/01/2018
Cette Triton est ma première défonceuse, et je ne regrette vraiment pas mon achat.
Malgré son poids et sa taille elle est très maniable, le système d'aspiration fonctionne à merveille et le réglage micrométrique est un vrai plus. Je recommande vivement.
Super machineJB - 20/01/2018
It's the best table milling I've ever used.
Triton MOF001Dominik Zielak - 20/01/2018
Fantastic bit of equipment does everything perfectly
TritonCaryl Etches - 18/01/2018
best router I have ever owned all the important functions you want a router to have from being in my table to freehand routing should have ordered it sooner
triton routergeorge braun - 16/01/2018
Very few words apart from absolutely wonderful tools, my best purchase ever
Triton Work Centre and RouterDavid Warnes - 07/01/2018
I bought MOF001 for the different way of regolation. They works fine, but i found a little difficult to push and relise the central botton. But exept this, great tool.
Great toolFederico Vescovo - 31/12/2017
I now have three Triton routers and they are excellent as are all my Triton tools, I highly recommend them.
The bestIan Keeler - 26/12/2017
Hi I purchased the router and complete work centre package at the recent Harrogate woodwork and power tool show.
The delivery of the compplete package was on time with very helpful delivery driver.
I am delighted with my purchase, everything assembled easily and functioned perfectly, I will definitely consider buying additional Triton power tools when funds allow.
David Warnes
Review of router and Work centreDavid Warnes - 24/12/2017
I was so pleased with my TRA router in my router table that I bought this one for bench use. After 2 years I did have to replace the speed controller but customer service through Toolstream was great, they reminded me that I was under warranty and offered to fix it at no charge. I opted for them to send me the part and I replaced it myself. I also own the Triton spindle sander. Love the Triton tools.
My second Triton routerRonn Winkler - 21/12/2017
Excellent performance and does all it was made to do
I have only had limited use so far as a handheld and it has performed beautifully. I was concerned it would be underpowered but the weight is just right for handheld. When it it goes into a table yes the larger one would maybe be better but I am just doing low volume, small and delicate stuff so the MOF001 should be just fine.
MOF001Paul McKey - 15/11/2017
I am a researcher. This router was voted best in several reputable articles and best for a table router. It can be adjusted from the top of my Bosch router table. I do not have to reacunder the table to do anything but flip the height lock to unlock. It is a one wrench collet and bit change that can be done from the top of the table. 1/4 and 1/2 collets included which give you a wide choice of bits to use. I like the vacuum port. I am very pleased.
Best I’ve ever ownedEvan Queen - 09/11/2017
Very nice tool. Versatile and reliable. The collets are troublesome. I imagine they may become easier to use the more they are used. The 1/4" is especially difficult to remove bits from. The 1/2" not as much but still difficult to remove bits from. I had to smooth the inside of the shaft, where the collet is inserted, out with wet dry sandpaper and a scothbrite pad to make the collets usable. A bit disappointed about that issue.
Triton MOF001 routerPeter Woolworth - 01/11/2017
So after my review - herer are the 5 stars - sorry I forgot to vote
Forgot to give 5 StarsFrank Wrhel - 22/10/2017
Well whats to say about this pwerful router?
I love the buid in router lift. I use the router stationary. And again I love it!
I have never senn such a good mechanism. Would I buy it again? Devinitely yes!
( sorry for my bad english I am form germany :-D )
Triton MOF001Frank Wrhel - 22/10/2017
Nice tool. Features are very well thought out.
MOF001 RouterEverett Beck - 20/10/2017
sehr gute Maschine für Tisch und Handbetrieb - klasse Fräserwechsel, gute Absaugung - einzig der Parallelanschlag sollte besser zu verstellen sein.
Supermaschine im Tischbetrieb sowie im Handbetrieb! Kann ich jederzeit weiter empfehlen!
Oberfräse 001Michael Zacharias - 11/10/2017
What a great router! Very soft start and routing is a pleasure with it. Powerful enough and the cable is very long.
Mof001Timo - 03/10/2017
The MOF001 is a very powerful and solid tool and goes smoothly through any kind of wood. It is a bit too heavy to use it as a hand guided router but I use it stationarily anyway.
To me personally, it is very useful that it is quite easy to switch sockets for the router bits, since I can continue using my 6mm shaft bits of my old router.
Powerful toolSven Bareiter - 02/10/2017
Purchased for use mainly with a table and it's remote screw depth adjuster. This works very well and allows precise vertical cutter adjustment from above the table. Motor is powerful and build quality seems solid. No problems yet and it has had several hours of commercial use rebating hardwood frams. A great router for the price.
Triton router mof001A wardle - 27/09/2017
What a great router. Powerful enough and when attached to a router table even better!
Triton MOF001Timo - 19/09/2017
Excellent and is exceeding my expectations
Triton RouterJohn Swete Kelly - 16/09/2017
Bonne défonceuse très efficace a mettre sous table, pas utilisé à la volée car mécanisme de descente a améliorer car pas assez fluide. pour le reste c'est bien bonne puissance peut bruyante. Je recommande ce matériel.
mof1400Didier - 16/09/2017
I've fitted this router to a router table, it works very well. The adjustable height makes it easy to change bits and it's powerful enough to cut the toughest timber
Great routerPeter Chambers - 05/09/2017
I searched a stable and powerfull Plunge Router above all with hard Wood no Problems has. The MOF001 glides easily and cleanly by the Work Piece and is pleasantly quiet besides. It is the ideal supplement to the RTA300 i already before had. Perfectly!
MOF001Phil Weynand - 01/09/2017
I purchased this router as a hand held tool and not to be used in my table. It has a very good balance, runs smoothly, and does a very nice job. I would recommend this router to anyone needing a hand held routing tool.
Plunge RouterIJim Houston - 30/08/2017
Ich habe die Fräse im Frästisch eingebaut und bin zu 100% zufrieden.
Sehr gutSimon Forster - 30/08/2017
Great router. Especially for the router table, excellent precision and control of depth both on and off the router table
GreatPeter Chambers - 22/08/2017
It´s the best Router for working under Table,because the handling is super
MOF 001/1400 WRainer Scholz - 17/08/2017
I purchased this router to be used as a non-table router. It is light, strong, runs smooth, and is very well balanced. It is working perfectly for the things I have planned for. You cannot go wrong with this router. I Love it.
My Triton 1400W RouterJim Houston - 17/08/2017
I purchased this router for use in a router table. I love how quick and easy bit changes and adjustments are from above the table without the need for a router lift. This tool has really improved my capability and efficiency in all of my projects. This tool is definitely the backbone of my hobby shop. I love it.
Great routerMichael Fetsko - 15/08/2017
Unpacking from the box, it was obvious that I had purchased a substantial router and it was very well packaged. The instruction booklet does not seem very clear on first reading but when reading it through completely and then checking all the functions, it all became obvious. Waiting for my Triton router table to instal this model.
a well made medium duty routerjohn humphries - 14/08/2017
I got this router for my router table build. This router does what a router needs to do, the detph adjustment is very nice it has lots of power and good dust extruction. only 4/5 because the fence guide has no fine adjustment, nonetheless great tool.
A very Good RouterJonas Neef - 05/08/2017
Great router, lots of power and easy to use.
1400 W RouterPatrick Klages - 06/07/2017
I now have two Triton MOF001 and a JOF001 routers there are no other routers that come close to the performance and features of Triton routers,i would highly recommended them.
Triton MOF001Kelvin Tiltman - 01/07/2017
Bought this router for use with a router table because of its built-in lift mechanism. All functions tested so far work as advertised. Have not yet made cuts but expect no issues there.
If there is a weakness with this tool I would expect it to be with the power switch interlock. Wouldn't be surprised to see this subsystem fail. I intend to compliment it with the old-school pull-the-plug trick.
My rating is tentative pending full use of the tool.
The best router on the market. Great tool for fine woodwork.
Router Dual modePierre Manenti - 29/06/2017
The router runs smoothly and relatively quietly. I worked them hard wood like rosewood, teak, mahogany, Gabon and the cuts are clean and smooth. It is only necessary to set the speed for hard wood. I had to get used to controlling the router, but it's okay. Extraction is excellent, but it is a shame that there is no illumination. Then it would be a perfect tool. A great bonus is the possibility of assembly under the table with integrated feed and also the price of the router. I did not have to buy an expensive lift. I give 5 stars and definitely recommend router.
A beautiful toolJirka Zivec - 28/06/2017
very good machine
1400W Dual Mode PrecisionHervé HENRY - 26/06/2017
I owned already 3 routers ( 2 Makita, 1 Bosch) when I got the MOF001 for my router table with a KREG insert plate. So I had the opportunity to gain experience with routers. I'm very happy and satisfied with the Triton router. Useful features and high-quality workmanship. I think I'll get a real kick out of the tool in the future. Very good job.
convincinglyWerner Scherer - 25/06/2017
Just broke, only 20 uses or less.
broken MOF001raul - 24/06/2017
Love it so far. Needed it to cut out a sink hole in butcher block and it worked great.
1400W RouterPatrick Klages - 22/06/2017
Router is less then 6 months old, speed control broke, have router in table the lift gear does hold in place need to adjust every time you want to change to depth setting. Router is at repair center right now, people seem very helpful, will give update when router returns.
ProblemsEmmet Potter - 20/06/2017
I am impressed with the quality of the engineering and the precision.
I have not started any particularly complicated or large project to date however I am sure that will change in the near future.
My only comment is that it's a shame it isn't supplied in a carry case in order to keep all the bits a pieces together.
Ausgezeichnetes Preis-Leistungsverhältnis, starke Maschine, ruhiger Lauf. Unschlagbar im Frästisch durch Spindelarretierung und Höhenverstellung von oben. Schwachpunkt: schlechte Sicht auf den Fräser im Handbetrieb.
Sehr gute OberfräseHorst Passelewitz - 12/06/2017
Will have to learn to operate it properly before I can give a fair judgement
1400w RouterJOHAN - 11/06/2017
Der MOF001 ist unschlagbar im Einsatz in einem Frästisch in Kombination mit der KREG Einlegeplatte. Höhenverstellung von oben, automatische Spindelarretierung, was willst du mehr? Hinzu kommt ein kräftiger Motor und ein sehr moderater Preis. Im Freihandbetrieb ist die eingeschränkte Sicht auf den Fräser problematisch. Dennoch kann die Maschine durch den ruhigen Lauf, das Eigengewicht und den großen Auflagetisch auch in dieser Betriebsart punkten.
MOF001 sehr empfehlenswertHorst Passelewitz - 29/05/2017
bienmerluc - 28/05/2017
I bought this router for installation in a routing table
I am very impressed with his power.
Its built-in lift is superior.
Triton is my tool for the future
my new RouterHans Scholten - 20/05/2017
After 2 years of very basic use the device is producing sparks and stoping every time. I send it to repair center in UK, waiting for a feedback from their services. I hope it will be within guarantee.
Good ... ButOlivier - 20/05/2017
Ich habe die Fräse für einige Standard Arbeiten benutzt und bin zufrieden. Ich habe mich vorher informiert und eigentlich das bekommen was ich erwartet habe.
Guter durchzugsstarker Motor
Durchdachte Details zum Beispiel Frästiefeneinstellung oder Unterflurmontage
Kaum Sicht auf den Fräser
Stufenlose Tiefeneinstellung sowie das Fixierungungsrad verkanten leicht bzw. Könnten flüssiger laufen
Alles in allem bin ich zufrieden und arbeite gern mit der Fräse.
Pro und ContraTim - 19/05/2017
Best router I have ever owned. Works great with my Kreg router table....
RouterSean McKee - 13/05/2017
Excellente machine :)
SuperBois, Christian - 10/05/2017
the best router i have ever had and i have try lots of them.
best regards
Good router, like it a lot but better written instructions would be appreciated. Also purchased a workbench with saw and router tables, instructions for these were not good. Its ok going on the internet but it is nice to have good instructions with the item.
Really nice Router, but......Thomas William Platt - 24/04/2017
Great router. Great attention from Triton!
Triton MOF001Mike Smith - 21/04/2017
It is one of the best routers I have ever used. No vibrations but I experienced a problem with my speed controller. My router is in for repairs and I cannot wait to get it back because it is a very important piece equipment in my workshop. I would love to purchase more Triton macinery for my workshop oneday and I looking to purchase a spindle sander soon.
MOF001 RouterBrent Nicol - 19/04/2017
Great tool! Really love it
Triton MOF001Joris - 18/04/2017
Seriously impressed with this router. Extremely smooth to use. Fine adjustment, and depth stop are well engineered and allow you to be very accurate.
Fantasticjack thomas - 10/04/2017
A well thought piece of friendly practical equipment. Height adjustment a bonus, no longer the need to reach under to try lift or lower a few mm,s I can now do slight cuts to obtain a perfect grove. Very well pleased with my latest Triton, will be looking to shop for more.
TWX7 WorkcentreEideard - 09/04/2017
Sono felicissimo del mio acquisto, fresatrice con abbastanza potenza (e predisposizioni) per stare sotto un banco e abbastanza leggera e compatta da poterla utilizzare "a mano libera".
Il miglior compromesso!Manuel - 05/04/2017
Very practical, best on the market, beats all the competitors, very well pleased with my purchase it will provide many years of use and many projects.
What a great router I should have bought one years ago , I've used it to make raised panel doors first time ever . I have never used a router before but cheated and watched on utube how it's done and I must say I did a fantastic job. Thank you triton for a great router.
Triton routerCarl Vorster - 02/04/2017
I am very happy with the router when used table mounted I especially like the ability to change bits above the table and the automatic spindle lock.I'm afraid I wasn't as impressed with the plunge feature. The plunge process is very hard to initiate I find that I have to position myself directly over the router in order to start a plunge and more times then none the router stalls then releases to slam into work piece Also I find that seeing the bit in order to start or finish a cut is very difficult if not impossible because of the plexiglass shield and the accumulation of saw dust. I hope this has been helpful
Poor plunge controlBen StJohn - 31/03/2017
I think it's an amazing tool, it's save and feel good in the hand.
I like that you can use this tool on many different ways and there are so many different attachments you can buy in the store.
I would recomment this tool to everyone.
Router 1400WJelle Winters - 24/03/2017
Die Oberfräse bietet sich geradezu zum Einsatz in einem Frästisch an, offenbart hier aber auch Schwächen: Nach dem Einstellen der Frästiefe mittels Kurbel läßt sich die Fräse immer noch um mehrere Millimeter axial bewegen. Um dieses zu vermeiden muß der Feststellknebel arretiert werden- etwas schwierig unter einem Frästisch!
Der Sanftanlauf wird seinem Namen nicht gerecht, die Fräse verreißt dadurch leicht. Die Startrampe sollte deutlich flacher sein (mind. 1-1,5sec).
Der Parallelanschlag ist überaus schlicht, Feineinstellung und durchgehende Gleitschiene fehlen. Das Netzkabel könnte durchaus länger sein!
Ansonsten eine sehr solide, leistungsfähige Maschine.
Gute Maschine mit VerbesserungspotentialGerd Rietz - 23/03/2017
The mof001 router has got to be the best bit of kit I have bought in a long time. Easy to use, great features and all at a great price. Can't fault it.
Best routerStuart Blyth - 20/03/2017
I bought the MOF001 a few weeks back. Great router to use free hand, quiet and not heavy. Can't wait to use it on a table where this router sets it apart from the rest.
Awesome RouterRoss Jenkinson - 20/03/2017
What a joy to work with this wonderful router it's so easy to use and that fantastic above table adjustment and on top of it all to change the bit from above with ease and safety , I should of bought one of these years ago thank you triton well done.
MOF 001Carl Vorster - 19/03/2017
Strong material and well thinking tool; great use of it and first work with it with quality. For a first purchase of your brand, I am awfully glad of owning it
First impressionsArnaud Jean-Jacques - 15/03/2017
I have tried the router and it works like it should be . Its a great add to my shop .Looking forward to use the other Triton tools that i have ordered.
review from a belgium usertony haemerlinck - 15/03/2017
Easily the most user friendly and thought out plunge router on the market.
2hp routerKevin - 11/03/2017
Great Router! I own several routers and this is my favorite. Smooth quiet motor and great features makes this my "go to" router.
Triton RouterPhil Lovelace - 08/03/2017
I use this tool for building outdoor tables and benches. It is very easy to use and it has enough power for carving heavy table timber. I like also the safety features.
KimKimmo Manninen - 08/03/2017
Having worked as a cabinetmaker for 15 years I've gone through my share of routers. The job that seems to wear them out the quickest being dovetailing particularly in oak. Not so with this router you get a good stable machine that doesn't struggle or bounce regardless of the speed.
perfect for dovetailingChris - 05/03/2017
Une excellente machine a un prix très abordable - la facilité d'installation sous table est un vrai plus par rapport à la concurrence - j'ai découvert cette marque en parcourant les forum et vidéos de menuiserie sur le net et ne regrette absolument pas mon achat
Defonceuse MOF 001Jean-Pierre Janin - 01/03/2017
This router does a good job, especially when table mounted. The table height winder works well & is my reason for buying it. The 1400W motor is good enough for advanced hobbyists. Winder handle adjustment is not user friendly-it is far too fiddly.
My one serious complaint is not with the router but with Triton's marketing ploy. It has packaged the router for Europe as one deal. By that I mean it comes with two collets, one imperial 1/4", the other 8mm. In the UK we use 1/4" & 1/2" collets, on the continent it is mainly 6mm & 8mm. Why are these not supplied as standard for each appropriate market? It is just cheap shoddy practice. I can live with the continental plug inside a UK wrap-around but is that any cheaper than a proper fused UK plug? I bought my 1/2" collet straight away so I can use the router as I intend.
MOF001Patrick Umfreville - 27/02/2017
Great tool, very easy to use
Router 1400Cyrille Meichel - 20/02/2017
The router has a good power level for all things I do with it.
What I love and what was the major buying point, is the possibility to adjust the cutting height through a router table. I bought this router for my table to get rid of weak lifting devices.
And yes, it is a pleasure to use the crank for lifting from the top of the table!
What I also like in handheld-mode is the possibility to choose for lifting from free lifting and the gear-lifting.
A very good tool. Adjustment from top of the table is great. A bit nosy. Very powerful.
Router MOF001Siegfried Sorge - 11/02/2017
Never owned a Router before, but there are lots of DIY projects that I wanted to do that needs one, to make my life easier. I did lots of research and watched lots of on line videos and decided on the Triton. The first thing that impressed me was the solid construction of everything and how well it and the accessories fit together, no play feels right.
I love good design and you can tell that this has had a lot of design work to get it to where it is. It gave me confidence straight away,
I also bought the RTA300 Router Table and mounted this to my work bench. I am having great fun now learning how to use them and making jigs.
A router that gives a newbie confidenceIan Turnbull - 10/02/2017
Generally a good idea, but the quality could be better. The plunge action is sticky, the fine depth adjustment has a lot of free play, and the track rail adaptor is a bodge - the router deserves better.
Not quite a routerdave sloan - 31/01/2017
Top quality and nice design.
Punge routerVojtech Kalabek - 30/01/2017
Did not try it much so far,but for what i did,it did the job great!
MOF001Tomi - 27/01/2017
Magnífica fresadora para empotrar en mesa y poder ajustar perfectamente en altura.
La fuerza del motor es más que suficiente para la realización de la mayoría de los trabajos.
Relación calidad precio excelentes
PerfectaAlberto Boquete Pereira - 19/01/2017
Did not used it much so far, that's way 4 stars...but for what i did, it did a great job!!
MOF001Tomi Z. - 13/01/2017
Incredible router, it offers the best features for affordable price.
Un excellent produit de la marque triton.
Elle fait du bon boulot.
Le travail est propre et minutieu
Je la conseille a tous le monde.
ExcellentKerckhove Maxime - 05/01/2017
I like the router very much but you guys at Triton have to admit the copyrings are utterly expensive! 12 pieces of metal cost 1/3th of the whole machine! That is really unbelievable. Off course, please feel free to offer me a free set... ;)
Copy ringsChris - 04/01/2017
With this tool, I can work with precision, but it needs arms... A little bit heavy for a top use, but one of the good points is that you can use it under a table very easyly.
perfect, but heavyDOMECQ - 19/12/2016
Bonjour celz fait quelque jour que j'utilise cette machine et elle est incroyable. Elle fonctionne parfaitement et execute le boulot correctement.
Je l'adore.
Une machine incroyableMaxime Kerckhove - 14/12/2016
What a fantastic and versatile machine, for a modest price
Triton router master of woodworkingVincent verhoog - 07/12/2016
Great machine,but expensive copy rings
MOF001ondrej bela - 01/12/2016
This machine combines many features for a descent price! Actually so many features that it's really worth giving the user manual a read :) But I managed to get on with it swiftly; by keeping some key points in the back of my head I could operate it very intuitively.
I've been using the machine primarily for tracing a template by means of a 'copying router bit' (the one's with the roller bearing). Runs smooth and powerful, depth can be adjusted very accurately and the weight pf the machine results in good stability. The only point for improvement I've found so far is the dust collection - with regard to the way I've been using it (copying template) I must say. Because the router base is only resting on the material partly, the dust collection is actually turning out a bit messy due to the forced air that blows it all out in the open. I've made an extra base plate with a much smaller whole out of clear acrylic, just enough to let the router bit slide trough. This solves it.
Review MOF001 routerValentijn de Vos - 28/11/2016
I have used the router for several simple projects succesfully so far, so I can only reccomend. Planning to build the small router table to use all advantages of this Triton router.
I bought this recently to match a Kreg router table. The fit with the pre-drilled Kreg deck is excellent. The removable spring for table mounting is a great idea. The power button is a bit awkward on the unit on it's own, nearly forcing you to buy a table switch. The soft start of the Triton is very smooth and the power is more than enough for anything I want to throw at it. Adjustment nobs are a little clunky. Overall, a very good unit so far.
Costly, but smooth and powerfulCraig - 06/11/2016
Bought this router with no experience of woodworking at all. Once it was set up and running I was soon able to do wood work jobs I would never have attempted or thought possible before as its quite easy to use once you get the hang of it... I would recommend buying these Triton routers as the can be set up using all the accessories that go with this model.... Or you can make up your own using this wonderful tool!! It does what is says on the tin lol!!
Super machine, très agréable à utiliser, les réglages sont simples et très précis.
Je la recommande
Super machineLAURENT LEYNAUD - 12/10/2016
Je trouve cette machine tres agreable a utiliser les réglages sont simples et super efficaces
Très bonne machineLAURENT LEYNAUD - 10/10/2016
Great router for plunge or table work, easy to use and good for precision work.
Deffinitely reccomend this router.
Triton MOF001John - 10/10/2016
Installed the M0F001 into my table and love the ease of use from the easy height above table bit adjustment to the ease of switching out a bit above the table. Very powerful and quiet motor helps me work at home without disturbing the neighbors, or the wife.
Love My Routerpeter nathanson - 06/10/2016
Very pleased! Great safety features. Great accessories included, multi-function fence, collet wrench, 1/2" and 1/4" collets and adjustment handle for setting height from on top of table. Very affordable price for all you get. Great value. Loving it!
Great Router!Wayne Thomley - 20/09/2016
Very fast customer service.
Shop workerJesse Thompson - 19/09/2016
Really pleased with this router and well worth the money, looking forward to using it on my guitar build. The only problem I have is with the plunge selection button in the handle I find it quite hard to press in at times but i think that is more down to me still learning how to use the router as only had it for a couple of days
Router MOF001Rob - 17/09/2016
I am very happy with my purchase; well built, useful features (automatic chuck locking ...).
Nice tool!Etienne Didelot - 09/09/2016
Second router from Triton and again a nice deal
Always a great routerSylvain Dion - 07/09/2016
The features that I particularly like about this router are (a) the quick height adjustment via the side-wheel (b) the safety lock-off of the on/off switch when you wind out for bit changes, and (c) the one-spanner collet locking for bit changes (and it sits above the table).
All controls are readily accessible when used under the table as well.
Triton 1400W RouterKen Patterson - 05/09/2016
I purchased router on the back of other peoples comments and was so glad I did as use it a lot in my DIY projects so much so I got the RT001 table top also to use it as a router table as the diversity is very good with height control from the top.
would I recommend it DAM sure I would and the table top insert also as it can be used as a jointer also thumbs up from me
Best tool in my shopBrian Walker - 04/09/2016
By far the best router I have ever used. All the built in features would cost more to add aftermarket than the machine cost in the first place. I will be buying many more Triton products in the future.
The BestBarney Long - 01/09/2016
I am an occasional, hobbyist woodworker. Most of my router work is done with a home-made table. When my first router gave out, I shopped for a better-built replacement. Thank goodness for the internet. My research lead me to the Triton MOF001. I have been using it for less than one year. For my usage, it has the right combination of features and price. So far, so good.
So Far, So GoodJohn Yane - 01/09/2016
I’ve been searching a long time to buy a solid and affordable router. After a lot of research the Triton router seemed to be the best choice. And indeed , it was. A very fine tool that handles very well and precisely!!
Meanwhile, I’ve already bought another Triton tool and it surely will not be my last. I also recommended it to others!
Thanks Triton!
What an amazing toolJan Struyvelt - 01/09/2016
Have been using "my router" now for quite sometime. LUVIT!
Manufacture a special bench for the machine and invert mounted it.
I use as both portable and fixed. A very substantial unit. Used for routing circles, parallel and freehand.
I recomend this machine to any person in the market, to consider as a purchase
become very close to "my router"rex - 01/09/2016
Wow since I have purchased these 2 pieces of machinery ,I have had so much pleasure working with these wonderful machines. They make my job so much easier. I would most definitely recommend these products to anyone.
Router and 2000 work centreSteve Herholdt - 01/09/2016
I tried several routers, but this is far the best i ever had. Other routers are in this category are more expensive, The value for this money is perfect. I havent known this brand before, a friend of mine mentioned it. Before i bought it i watched several videos on youtube and i could read a lot of positive feedbacks. I decided to buy this router with the table. Im satisfied, It is precise, powerful, clean, easy to work with either in hand or in table. Easy to attach vacuum-cleaner equipment and can make a clean work. You can easily set up the workstation and has all the safety accessories what i need. i didnt regret this purchase and highly recommended to everybody. Im sure the next tool will be Triton as well.
Furniture - makerIstvan Szili - 10/08/2016
Glad I did my research on this purchase. Excellent router, especially convenient on router table with the built in lift. I am extremely satisfied and it has clearly exceeded all my expectations. I have yet to see another router with these combined features. Would highly recommend.
Before i bought this router i have tested a few of other Routers, sometimes really overpriced. I decide to bought this one, and it's really a good decision. I like it. The soft running as well as the power, the Router goes through the material. The changes of any accessory is also very easy.
I will recommed it to all my collegues!
My best Router i've ever hadGeorg Geldszus - 04/08/2016
This is the most awesome router I have ever used. The features are ingenious. Best router ever designed/built. Love using it!
Triton MOF001Reeder Smith - 02/08/2016
After a couple of other routers this is like a different tool. Everything is simple to adjust and use making it a pleasure to work with and encouraging me to explore new uses.
A pleasure to useSimon Crew - 02/08/2016
I am so impressed with Triton. I own five routers: two Bosch, a Skil, a Craftsman, and now a Triton. My new MOF001 Router is by far the finest one I've ever seen. After the Triton arrived in my shop, I immediately removed a dedicated Bosch from my router table & replaced it with the Triton. What a difference in ease of setup & use! The Triton's built-in lift, its simple one-wrench bit change, its dust extraction capability, its power, its finely designed adjustment mechanisms, and its overall quality & precision, make this my best router yet — by far. This is the first Triton tool that I've owned, but there will soon be more of these super-caliber products in my shop!
The Finest Router in My ShopStan Bidlack - 01/08/2016
je l'utilise occasionnellement mais je la trouve précise et fiable, les différents accessoires permettent une grande plage d'utilisation. Je la recommande.
utilisation occasionnelle mais materiel précis et fiableRenaud - 01/08/2016
I built my own router table, and this router just does what it is supposed to do. I love the extra safety features that make routing even safer. The winder makes it easy to adjust the height without having to bend down under the table. A great value for the price, and I would definitely buy it again.
Perfect for your router tableTom - 01/08/2016
‘I Fitted to router table its brilliant does Just what it says it can do lift winder makes life so much easier to use excellent tool and brilliant service would defiantly recommend to every one’
Router Mof001fred Johnson - 29/07/2016
‘I was lucky enough to listen to some reviews and gave the triton router a try for myself...i was NOT disappointed! It out performs other brands of routers ive used by leaps and bounds!’
No regrets!Shannon Blackburn - 29/07/2016
Bought this router three weeks ago and I am pleasantly surprised at this precise and reliable router, ist really great. Especially the hight adjustment for router tabels is unique and was a very important reason for me to buy the MOF001.
Perfect choice for router tabelsMoritz Wolff - 28/07/2016
Great router which I use mainly attached to my router table. Easy to use and adjust with excellent bit changing functionality. There is only one disadvantage, my wife saw it in use and has decided that it is an easy tool to use, so now I have to keep it under lock and key!!
MF001 only one disadvantage!Steve Warren - 28/07/2016
Loved my router. Used it primarily in a router table and I was sad when it stopped working. (It happens folks, let's face it.) The GREAT news is, I contacted Triton for warranty work, sent the unit to the service provider and figured I would have to wait some number of weeks to hear back. Instead, to my delight and surprise, within two weeks I received a REPLACEMENT! Now that's service. I would not hesitate to purchase another TRITON tool or recommend them to anyone.
Dual Mode Router and exceptional warranty experienceSteve Cullen - 28/07/2016
I'm an amateur Woodworker and now own a Professional Triton Oscillating spindle Sander TSP450. an efficient, compact, clean and quiet machine that achieves all that I expected and need in this form of sanding. Great value for money. The stable, more than adequate table size together with the clever storage of Drums and Table inserts fit neatly on the free standing table I have made.
A true representative of the quality Triton Woodworking equipment.
I subsequently purchased two spare packets of sanding sleeves, the inclusion of one of which with the original unit would be a plus.
The Perfect SanderJohn Newman - 27/07/2016
The Triton router has done everything I have asked of it. It is very well made and I am happy to recommend it to any one. thank You Team Triton.
Mighty fine toolDilip Bose - 26/07/2016
Love it! I don't use the router a lot as I work with a lathe mostly, but the Triton router design is superior to other routers I have worked with.
Router ReviewDon Blair - 26/07/2016
Great router for my Boxmaking with its precision depth adjustment for use under a table or freehand use. It has perfect balance for use on dovetail and other profile jigs when using freehand. It has plenty of power and the easiest of cutter changing setups, no more skinned knuckles undoing chucks under the table. I would recommend Triton routers as my preferred choice in fine woodworking.
MOF 001 RouterSteve McMartin - 26/07/2016
I purchased this router for my routing table mainly because of the ease of raising and lowering it right out of the box. You don't have to purchase a special lift assembly because it has a built in system.
After about a year of owning this I decide it was such a great tool that it would be much easier and faster to purchase a second one for doing hand routing. Boy was I right, I absolutely love both of my MOF001 routers. Don't know what I'd do without them.
So good I bought a second one!Jack Headley - 26/07/2016
I needed a strong and precise tool when building my shop cabinets. I chose to use 3/4" oak laminate plywood for the boxes, and 3/4" red oak for the faces. The router was mounted in a contractor type cabinet and worked perfectly to route cabinet dados, decorative faces, & finger pull drawers, panels for doors, and frames. Worked hard and smooth all the way.
Dual mode plunge routerCharles Wilson - 26/07/2016
After a thorough review of the market, I decided on the 1400W unit, specifically to be used in a table. My Elu router will be still used for hand use on smaller jobs as it is lighter and more maneuverable. I have mounted this in a table and have only used it once so far, but I am very happy with the result. The only shortfall that I can see is that it does not have its own storage case to hold everything together. I have made my own case since purchase, which keeps the rust monsters at bay.
Happy purchaseChris Pattison - 26/07/2016
I own two of this router. One is permanently fixed in a router-table, the other is used for template-work. I used several routers of other brands before, but the triton is definitly the best. Handling and adjusting is easy and very precise; the motor is very powerful. The biggest advantage of this router is the easy way to change bits, because the collet nut projects above the router-base. Another very useful feature is the plexiglas-shield around the router-bit, which means better dust-extraction and reduces the danger of contact of your fingers with a spinning bit.
Best router i ever used!Hans-Peter Seeger - 25/07/2016
Can'the fault it works good freehand and on the router table.
worth every pennyBernard Harrison - 25/07/2016
from here, in france, it's difficult to find something decent to work with for the price i get my MOF001, i had some others tritons tools that i really like, i would love to uses them on table mount, whit a table i could build by myself, just don't have the time for now by i thing my tritons tools worth it.
and the 3 year waranty is something who really matter for me.
great tools for making stuff with exigence and quality
a great router for a good priceFlorian Lainet - 25/07/2016
Fantastic machine, powerful performance. Easy safey tool exchange. Robust build quality. Recommend for others to consider as a valuable addition to the toolkit
FantasticRxe - 25/07/2016
Je suis un utilisateur occasionnel mais c'est un plaisir d'utiliser cet outil.
Très bon matérielPIAULT - 25/07/2016
Maybe I fall on a bad one, but after less than a tens of hours of works (in soft woods), the rotor wiring burns out...
Before that it was a good machine...
Quite disapointed...Tang - 25/07/2016
I bought this largely on the recommendation of a guitar maker with the idea of building a few instruments of my own, and the features of the mof001 lend themselves very well to this particular craft. At 1400w, the power is suited to most tasks demanded of it from routing a body shape to the slightly more intricate neck joint pocket and electrical component cavities. I even set mine on a jig for thicknessing and it did the job brilliantly. The rack and pinion plunge feature is indispensable and along with the micro adjustment setting you really can be millimetre perfect with your depth every time, and for me, it's what sets the triton apart from other router manufacturers. The fence is easy to attach and set up, no fiddly separate screws, once the spring mounted release catches are tightened up and your fence aligned, you're away. I love the safety features too, especially the on/off switch being covered when off. And when changing the bit, the collet extending fully beyond the base and locking off while changing cutters is well thought out. Just very impressed all round, you can tell a lot of thought and consideration has gone into designing this machine. My next investment will be a table to mount this into and see what we can do from there. If there is one drawback I've noticed, the transparent guard can clog with dust and make it a little obscure to see through, especially if your material tends to break up finely rather than chip away, but that's more an issue of making sure your extraction attachment fits securely. Overall would give 4.5 stars out of 5.
Excellent for the precision woodworkerAndrew Grant - 25/07/2016
This router, on and off the table, is the "go to"in our shop. The power and versatility with its "common sense" engineering is superb in all ways. This is easily the most impressive router we have had the pleasure of working with. Expecting a lot more Triton in our future!
The Gold StandardPatrick - 25/07/2016
I really like this router! It is excellent to use in a router table. It comes with a crank to raise or lower the router bit, and can be raised to engage the collet lock so only one wrench is needed to change bits. It also comes with both 1/4 and 1/8 inch collets.
MOS001 RouterWilliam Faris - 25/07/2016
Stumbled upon this router while searching for a table router solution for my hobbies. Best find ever !!! Good in freehand mode it excels as a fixed table router (with WCA201) with 2 of it's major advantages: Above the table, single-hand bit change and height adjustment.
MOF001Manuel - 25/07/2016
Een machine die alles heeft voor exellent freeswerk. Zowel stationair als met de hand.a
Goed, beter, BESTHenk -Jan Kroeze - 25/07/2016
I mounted this router in my table and saved $350 on a router lift system. The performance of this tool is off the chart. Excellent investment.
World Class RouterJames Bourne - 25/07/2016
Through woodworking forums and youtube I met Triton. In January 2014 I bought the MOF001 replacing my Festool Router. A powerful machine. Especially among my DIY Router Table. Based on my experience, I bought two months ago the TWX7 with the TWXRT001 router table and the TWX S001 Contracters Saw. The table is very stable and versatile. In particular with the two miter tracks. The Contracters Saw is very precise. Dust extraction is top notch. The MOF001 in combination with the TWXRT001 is a woodworkers dream . Last month I bought the TCMBS handheld bandsaw. Also, a fine machine . To date, Triton is my brand.
The MOF001 in combination with the TWXRT001Frank Lems - 25/07/2016
Through woodworking forums and youtube I met Triton. In January 2014 I bought the MOF001 replacing my Festool Router. A powerful machine. Especially among my DIY Router Table. Based on my experience, I bought two months ago the TWX7 with the TWXRT001 router table and the TWX S001 Contracters Saw. The table is very stable and versatile. In particular with the two miter tracks. The Contracters Saw is very precise. Dust extraction is top notch. The MOF001 in combination with the TWXRT001 is a woodworkers dream . Last month I bought the TCMBS handheld bandsaw. Also, a fine machine . To date, Triton is my brand.
The MOF001 in combination with the TWXRT001Frank Lems - 25/07/2016
I bought this router to repair the rotten wood on some of my Georgian windows - and there were a lot to do. Before I could start repairing the windows I used the router to make my own router table that would sit on top of a workmate and would be held firmly by the workmate jaws. I used some of the triton router table parts in the table - for example the router plate - which I rebated into a wooden base using the router. It handled making the window parts very well but I had two problems which is why I have only given it 3 stars. 1) After about 2 months the motor would only start intermittently and I had to take it back to where I purchased it for repair under warranty - which meant 2 reasonably long return journeys as it took about 10 days to repair it. 2) the spring that is attached to the lever that keeps the router height locked has broken. The lever still holds the router in place but on a number of occasions I have caught my finger on the broken end and drawn blood. Easy to do if the router is fixed in a table because turning this lever then has to be done blind.
Repairing Georgian WindowsRoger Corte - 25/07/2016
What a great router! There is no need to buy any add-ons, this router comes with everything you need right out of the box. You even get a router bit!
The features and ergonomics built into this router make it stand apart from the competition.
No need to buy extra parts!Dean Miller - 25/07/2016
Very pleased. The router is easy to use in my router table the lift crank makes height adjustment a doddle. Spindle lock makes tool changes easy and quick. Well balanced when used hand held. Before I bought this router I thought long and hard as there are a lot of routers that are cheape. With hindsight should have got one sooner, gets a lot of use as its comfortable to use. No regrets.
Triton. MOF 001David Clarke - 25/07/2016
C'est une défonceuse solide, endurante et de bonne qualité. Monté sous table ou avec un guide elle permet un travail précis. Je suis très content de cet achat.
Très bonne défonceusejc - 25/07/2016
Wow! What a versital tool? From the ease of bit changes to the table lift to the amazing power in free hand. I am now a committed Triton fan! Thank you!
Plunge Router #1400wJim Ellis - 25/07/2016
‘Excellent value - through the table adjustment are easy and precise and eliminated the need for a lift system for the router table.
Router installed on router tableBarry RRichards - 25/07/2016
Love this router!!! There are so many features that there really is no comparison. One of my favorites is the above table changing of bits. There are many others though. I honestly can say this is the best router I have had!!!
Tons of featuresLance - 25/07/2016
Had mixed results with my routers. My first lasted several years before the bearing went bad. Cost more to repair than replace. My second one lasted several years before the I started having trouble with the height adjuster. Sent it out for repair, got it back, still did not work properly. Sent it out again, could not find anything wrong with it, but could not fix it. It was replaced. Had trouble with the replacement router. It would not maintain a cutter height unless the lock lever was engaged. Even then, when the lock lever was released, the router would drop 1/8" after routing only a few minutes. Contacted customer service about this problem. They made several suggestions; none worked. Requested the router be sent to them. They could not find the problem so it was replaced. This router works fine except that the height adjuster does not work as smoothly as the others. I got tired of complaining, so I will use it as long as I can then replace it; probably with another brand.
MOF001 routerJames DiRocco - 25/07/2016
This router is ideal for table mounted use. Features such as automatic spindle lock once the shaft is raised high enough, eliminates the need for a second spanner. The switch cannot be turned back on whilst changing router bits and the micro adjuster height is great for determining router bit height.
But as I found over months of use, it's just not that reliable. The armature on mine must have broken/dead coils because if the router is started in a certain angular position, it simply won't start. Turn the rotor a few degrees either way and it will (if you even think of doing that, which we didn't to begin with). For less than a year's worth of work, it's not really acceptable. And to obtain spare parts from overseas and expect to be able to fix it myself, ridiculous.
As I said, great product, but unfortunately not designed for heavy production use.
Good features, poor reliabilityDavid Johnston - 25/07/2016
Great router plenty of power, has done a fantastic job on all the work I have asked it to do.Would buy another one if this one ever quits on me. Thank Triton for such great products.
MF001 TritonGeorge King - 25/07/2016
I am using this router for 2 years now. Fantastic tool, well powered, easy to use under a routing table. Free hand, with a good router bit, it is not a problem to make a 20mm by 50mm depth mortice. The only weak point I have is about the power switch: not very comfortable. Thanks Triton.
Nice routerHarald - 25/07/2016
‘This the best router I have used by a country mile. It’s ease of use and functions are fantastic. I did my research before I purchased it and it has lived up to all the reviews. The adjustable winder and quick one spanner change of bits makes it stand out from the pack.’
Simply the BestGlenn Henly - 25/07/2016
I have 2 of these. One has been table mounted and in use since 2007 without a hitch. Outstanding performance. Latest version is in use for hand held work. Very versatile and excellent dust extraction.
Great for Table MountKevin Lawler - 25/07/2016
I use my MOF001 in a router table and it's great, especially when used with the 'above table winder' which I purchased seperately. Have had the router for over 4 years and it has been trouble free for all this time. Collet lock is a great idea especially when router is table mounted. All round great product.
Love my MOF001Alan Webb - 25/07/2016
J'ai commandé la défonceuse MOF après pas mal de recherches d'informations sur les modèles disponibles dans cette gamme de prix; je ne suis pas déçu de mon achat, je voulais comme première défonceuse un modèle assez précis et de bonne qualité, ce qui est le cas. Modèle très versatile et très bien pensé (blocage automatique de l'arbre et du bouton marche/arrêt pour le changement de fraise, réglage micrométrique, les différents modes de plongée, extraction de poussière efficace...).
Très content de mon achatEtienne - 25/07/2016
Have had this router for a while now and use it in a router table. Easy to use and very easy to change and ajust router bits. Precise ajustment is very good and I am happy with all aspects of this tool, would be happy to buy one again tomorrow.
great table routermartin kennedy - 25/07/2016
I bought this router because I looked at lift kits for my router table and they are so expensive. This router has it built in… as do many others… but this one has everything else I need as well. I think it’s best feature for me is that I cannot change the bit without turning the power on it to off. I was very prone to forgetting this on my last router so having it forced on me is fantastic! Thank you.
This router is perfect for my router tableDan - 25/07/2016
The router failed after about half an hour of light use !!!!!!!!!!! Was away for several weeks for warranty repair - the windings of the motor were not correctly finished and secured - faulty workmanship. After repair has now done quite a lot of heavy hardwood slab levelling with a big plaining bit and is now working well. I initally asked for a replacement router but after talking with the repaired I never bothered to collect the replacement from the repairer as he guaranteed his work, so better the one that was fixed rather than risk another new unit that may fail very quickly and then take weeks to get back into use again.
Triton Router MOF001Richard Brabazon - 25/07/2016
I love this router. The dust pick up works very well. The micro winder is right at the top &easy to use. Do find the plunge lock wants to come loose. The only week point.
Great routerKevin Hills - 25/07/2016
J'ai surtout acheté cette machine pour la possibilité qu'elle offre d'être montée sous table avec un réglage en hauteur par le dessus. Dans cette configuration, je ne l'utilise pas avec la table Triton prévue mais les réglages sont faciles et précis et les résultats sont excellents. Pour un usage " à la volée" la machine est un peu lourde à manipuler, mais c'est la contrepartie d'une machine précise, puissante, efficace et rigide.
Machine puissante, sure, précise et polyvalenteJacadi - 25/07/2016
I have three of these routers, two are installed in router tables and the third is used for freehand routing. I find them to be great value for money and absolutely ideal for router table use as you can carry out both height adjustment and router bit changes above the table thus obviating the need to scrabble about under the table plus the bit changes are safety protected by the automatic power cut off. Full marks Triton !
A Great value for money routerF.V.Arpino - 25/07/2016
I have only had the router for about a month. I love the micro and coarse height adjustments. They make the router very easy to use. The ability to change the router bit with only one spanner, especially when mounted in a router table is one of the greatest inventions ever. Soft start is great. Certainly would buy another.
MF 001 RouterKeith Hoffmann - 25/07/2016
Love this router, so easy to use,well built and quiet to use. I love the above table changing of the bits,so much easer. Well priced. Bye one you will not be disappointed.
Love this routerStephen knight - 25/07/2016
When mounted in a table this router has no equal. The ability to change out router bits with a single tool above the table makes this router a pleasure to use. Add to that the ease of adjusting height through the table and the quality build and buying this router has been a purchase that I can recommend to anyone considering a router for dedicated in table use. I have had this router for over a year and it has not skipped a beat. I would be happy to purchase this router again and recommend it to all my friends.
MOF001Alex Glatter - 25/07/2016
The quality of this router has me sold. From now on it's Triton all the way!
Best Router I've ever used.Robert Rondinelli - 25/07/2016
Great machine and really easy to use!!
Just what I wantedAnders Jaerderud - 25/07/2016
Ich brauche die MOF001 als Zweitmaschine für den Frästisch. Das Handling ist sehr praktisch, der Fräserwechsel einfach und die Stärke von 1400 W für meine Bedürfnisse perfekt. Ein sehr gutes Preis-Leistungsverhältnis!
Ich würde sie sofort wieder kaufen.
Sehr zufriedenHans-R. Wampfler - 25/07/2016
Professional quality router. Love the height adjustment options and micro winder. Easy to use. Soft start minimises torque reaction when started and enables complete control. Creates brilliant finish on job edges. Extended base plate and guide are good quality.
MOF001 routerGregory Wheeler - 25/07/2016
I was looking for a nice router to help me with my hobby of furniture making, and this router really works well for this. It's fast, intuitive, and reasonably priced. Would recommend this to friends.
Nice router that really opens up your worldDavy Landman - 25/07/2016
I bought this router in 2014 as a backup for my Elu. Since Elu are no longer available, and I don't trust the Dewald yet, I found this Triton at an affordable price. What can I say, it's an excellent backup machine with ample power, good safety features and a nice bulky overall look. They say looks can be deceiving, and with respect to this machine, that saying is definitely true. you bring the job, and he will run it down in no time at all.
Thanks to Triton for a great machine. I love it.
Great StandbyAlwyn van der Merwe - 25/07/2016
i was surprised how much is on my router for the money i paid for it,routers that cost 5x more than i paid are just plunge no precision not in the way triton have done it and if they did that router would cost £1500 going on there prices now.also add on,s for triton routers are not expensive as well over all very pleased with my purchase one down side i have to buy the 1/2" collet but for only £13 not a biggie
surprisedchris miller - 25/07/2016
I've run this machine in a shop made table for 6 months or so . Easy height control makes it perfect for table use . There's even a nifty safety feature that won't allow bit change while the motor is switched on !
Triton mof001Geoff - 25/07/2016
I am new to routing and brought this via other reviews, and I am not sorry for the Router purchase. I also found it works very well on my router table although not Triton table
Acheté il y a quelques années, j'ai pu obtenir cette défonceuse pour moins de 200euros et je n'ai pas regretté mon achat un seul instant.
La descente est douce et sans à-coups, les méthodes de réglage de profondeur efficaces et complémentaires (même si le "tourniquet" avec jauge de profondeur est difficile à gérer).
La machine ne cale jamais et offre une bonne assise, surtout couplée avec le guide parallèle original. Ce dernier offre un bon complément de semelle (sans l'équerre). Cette dernière est un peu difficile à régler mais offre one bonne répétabilité.
Pour finir, les accessoires disponibles sont intéressants pour la mettre sous table (non testée à ce jour) et la possibilité de trouver des pièces détachées est rassurante en cas de casse.
Un sans faut pour moi.
Tres bon produitjerome chavanel - 25/07/2016
I bought this router approximately 12 months ago. Since buying it I have had no issues with it at all, quite the opposite as it has performed excellently in every way. The reason for me buying this particular router is the rise and fall feature, being able to raise and lower so easily to change bits and adjusts the depth of cut makes this router stand out from the rest. I use it as a table router 95% of the time as it is quite big and heavy for free hand use.
Top notch router.Michael Molyneux - 25/07/2016
I bought this router because of the ability to raise, lower and change the bit through the table top and not have to buy an expensive router lift. Mounted it in a homemade table with a Kreg router plate, so far the performance is good. Time will be the real test ! Something I like but have not yet had to use is tha availability of almost all the individual pièces of the router as aftersales spares ............NOT THE CAS WITH MANY OTHER BRANDS ! so if Something does break or wear I am almost certain to be able to find the pièces to repair it.
I love this router. The people who designed this router used their brains and took in account what a user needs.
The lift is great! Just mount it under your router table and do not worry about how to lift the spindle to change bits, just use the internal lift. Great feature.
There's no point against this router. Just perfect!
Great routerHans ter Hart - 25/07/2016
Purchased late 2012 or early 2013. I had never had a router before and was a bit nervous of it at first. Certainly have to treat it with respect, it is a powerful tool but as I learned about it I enjoyed using it. Installed it in a basic table to increase its versatility. Never had any problems with it. Very nice to use.
Love the routerLouis - 25/07/2016
bon rapport qualité/prix.
niveau sonore correct. réglage hauteur vraiment bien.
Je l' ai acheté il y a un an à peu près, je m'en sert assez souvent pour rectifier mes coupes, j'ai pu constater qu'il y a peu de pertes de puissance lorsqu'on tombe sur des nœuds. J'avais vu divers forums divers enquêtes sur cette dernière et c'est la seule qui m'a parut la plus correcte pour mon niveau (amateur) et les utilisations que je vais avoir encore à l'avenir. Le simple fait de voir que nous pouvons monter cette dernière comme une toupie est un réel argument d'achat d'autant plus que la conception des divers éléments et notamment les pinces laissent à penser que nous avons à faire à une réelle machine d'atelier.
bonne machinenon64 - 06/01/2015
I bought this router in 2012 and it is great.
I have been looking for a router with the price and performance. At Triton, I found what I was looking for. Good quality at a fair price!
I use the router usually with the table, but also free hand he is really great.
Thank Triton :)
Excuse my bad englich
Ich habe lange nach einer Oberfräse gesucht bei der Preis und Leistung stimmen. Bei Triton habe ich das gefunden was ich gesucht habe. Gute Qualität zum fairen Preis!
Ich benutze die Oberfräse meist mit dem Tisch, aber auch freihand ist er wirklich spitze.
Danke Triton :)
Entschuldigen Sie mein schlechtes englich
Great Router :)Winni - 08/10/2013
I bought this router in 2007 because of the ability to raise and lower bit through the table top and not have to buy an expensive router lift. I mounted it in a Kreg router table. It's performance was ideal until the plastic/nylon worm gear started slipping. I was able to contact the current Triton distributor who sent me a metal replacement worm gear and e-mailed me detailed instructions, It now performs flawlessly! I am really happy with all of my Triton products. I own this router as well as its big brother and the Triton sliding compound miter saw and all have exceeded my expectations.
Great Router for Table useToolz - 17/06/2013
When I shopped at Busy Bee Tools over 6 years ago for a dependable router that could accept 1/2 inch shank router knives, the knowlegeable staff strongly recommended the Triton MOF001 model because of its versatility and ease of use. They were right! The router performed like a charm over the years. Unfortunately, recently, the worm drive started "clicking" when the router was mounted under a router table (same issue as Ken Masoumi). I contacted Richard from Nordis Distribution who sent me the replacement part (I only paid the shipping costs) along with the detailed instructions. The replacement was a piece a cake and the Triton is back in service much to my greatest satisfaction. I DO NOT regret this router... Not one "bit"!
No regrets, even after 6 yearsdespatiesga - 28/05/2013
I have had a few routers over the years but the Triton is streets ahead. It is so much smoother and more accurate in its adjustments than the others I have used. It makes tasks accurately repeatable and has enough power to do levelling jobs on a router sled without bogging down. The other great thing is that because it's a Triton I can get reasonably priced spare parts and keep it running for years (unlike some of the cheaper gear I have had).
A great routermatt_o - 26/04/2013
I bought this router 3 years ago solely for the purpose of under mounting it to a router table. I had already tried PC 2529, Mastercraft, Ryobi, Trend T4, but this router by far is the most user friendly router I have, especially if mounted under a table it's easy to set up and operate. Only one thing bothered me for a while, the fact the worm drive gear was made in plastic so every time I needed to lift the router I had to support the weight of it with one hand to avoid stripping the plastic gears. This morning (Feb.14.2013) I found out that Triton has been replacing them with a metal gear free of charge so I ended up contacting Richard from Nordis Distribution and within 10 minutes I had it ordered and shipped to my house, the only cost was for shipping which I gladly paid. Nordis is a decent Canadian woodworking supplier and I will be contacting them first for my woodworking needs. Now I have a perfect router, don't need the bigger 3-1/4hp one this has been truly a workhorse, the service also seems to be most reliable so if any one ask me to recommend a decent router I would say TRITON, period.
MOF001 is my go to router nowKen Masoumi - 14/02/2013
I decided to buy a router and after many visits to forums etc. I decided that the Triton was the one for me.
I watched videos and read every tiny bit of information relevant to this Router.
It looks good and feels good But above all it is easy to learn, My curve is still growing.
I have now decided my next project is to build a router table and if the price is right to purchase an insert plate with a winder.
Thank for a great product.
First time with a routerstephenwalker97 - 27/01/2013
While looking looking for a router table lift kit i stumbled upon this router on amazon.
It garnered good reviews and was cheaper than the lift kit i had decided on purchasing, so i bought this router instead.
This router has nice smooth and accurate depth adjustments when using it in either the plunge configuration or mounted under a table.
It really shines when mounted under a table however. Being able to fine tune the bit depth from above the table as well as change bits from above the table, make this router great.
The only complaints i have, and they are negligible, are the power switch lock out feature and speed adjustment knob placement.
It has good power with minimal vibration, and i have yet to bog the thing down.
Router Table Mountdirtpatch - 28/11/2011
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