Pakket met drie schaafbladen voor de Triton schaafmachine TPL180.met drievoudig blad. 65 Mn veerstalen constructie. Fijngeslepen rand voor een uniforme afwerking bij het schaven. Bladlengte: 180 mm. Bladhoek: 50°.
With its three blades, this electric plane is a marvel. It planes without difficulty and does a great finishing job. BRAVO TRITON.
7 Inches Wood EATERRobert Durand - 9-4-2022
I was a little apprehensive when I ordered the Triton surface planner and how long the blades would last. But to my surprise they have lasted a long time so I haven't had to change them yet. I am anticipating the replacement blades will last a long time also.
Mr.Robert Wilson - 15-12-2019
This planer for me is used instead of a joiner. I get my boards flat quickly and easily and then put them through my planer. A great bang for the buck
Amazing PlanerDaniel Metzger - 12-12-2019
after using this triton planer, just one word WOW it has the power for any thing you think of, no more hard sanding for me. I love this planer it really work for my needs, I was planning for makita at first but for $670.00 I could buy three 7inch triton planer. this unit is well build and with power, thanks!!! very happy with my buy....
triton 7inch planervictor feliciano - 20-4-2019
Excelente máquina con gran potencia y facilidad para levantar y bajar la fresa además de hacer los cambios de fresa muy fácil la recomiendo
ExcelenteAriocha e - 4-2-2018
planer blades are one a full range of high-quality woodworking tool for woodworking Machines.Highly recommend these.Also check WoodfordTooling For planer blades
Best Quality 180mm planer BladesExcellent product - 11-10-2017
Once you get use to it i's great product, little weird to handle at first ( starts to deep) but when you get to know how to press it you love it.
Smoothest finish ever, my bench planer can hide in front of this great machine.
You won't believe what great, smooth finish you get from this.
Big thumps up.
Great productELvis - 31-7-2017
Klanten die dit product bekeken, bekeken tevens...