Stabilna chromowana płyta bazowa i szyny prowadzące zapewniają mocną konstrukcję w połączeniu z tworzywa sztucznego odpornego na uderzenia. Mechanizm szybkiego mocowania zapewnia minimalny czas i umożliwia sprawne zamocowanie frezarki do szyny prowadzących. Kompatybilny ze wszystkimi precyzyjnymi frezarkami Triton.
Good product, works with Festool rails (I do not have Triton rails to try it on). Fit on the TRA001 is easy and precise. Works well if you have the overall size on the project to use these as a line up in place of a table.
Track AdapterZach Tymchuk - 28.01.2020
I was sick of trying to build jigs to cut dados or run a router in a straight line predictably. Having the ability to use my track to guide the router has saved my bacon and produced far more accurate results.
Best router accessory everNeil Dorin - 15.06.2019
Purchased unit to cut slots for shelf standards in a 6 ft. tall cabinet I am building. After cutting seven slots for the standards I found the unit works quite well. Had more problems with the Triton track lying flat at the end of each section, having to stop at each joint to hold the next section of track down so I could proceed with the cut. The unit appears to only work with Triton router bases due to how it attaches to the base. Overall it did the job it is supposed to do.
router track adaptorLarry curran - 21.12.2018
Functional, accurate and efficient.
ROUTER TRACK ADAPTORThys Manganya - 27.11.2018
I purchased the TTSTP to use with my TRTA001 router track adaptor. The two tracks fitted together well when I needed to joined the two halves They stayed last on the work surface and for most applications with my router track adapter they have worked well. My major criticism and disappointment is that hey are totally incompatible with the longer Triton track TTST1500. I would have liked the ability to join a 1500mm track to a 700mm track and only have one join. This would have been a more useful option with the plunge saw.
Useful TTSTP TrackMike Gane - 24.03.2018
I purchased this track adaptor to compliment my Triton MOF001 router. It has been very useful and has allowed me to router far straighter channels with far less effort. It is easy to attach to the router and easy to attach to the guide rail. The micro adjustment has allowed me to route wide channels with ease. This has been a very worthwhile addition to my workshop.
I purchased the MOF001 primarily to use with a router table. It's a brilliant piece off kit. I am very impressed with the way in which the router can be raised and lowered from above the table and the fine adjustment mechanism. I have since purchased the Triton Track adaptor and the Triton track to go with it. I've not had my MOF001 router for very long, but I'm already very pleased with it and would purchase it again.
Top RouterMike Gane - 24.03.2018
Moje prvo iskustvo u radu mi je otkrilo savršen jak i siguran alat. Oduševljen sam sa njim.
Hvala za ovako odličan alat.