TSP L152

Abrichthobel, 1100 W, 152 mm

Kraftvoller Abrichthobel mit leistungsstarkem 1100-W-Motor für gleichmäßiges Hobeln von Holz- und Kunststoffoberflächen. Große Arbeitsfläche von 770 x 260 mm mit einer Hobelbreite von 152 mm. Die zweischneidige Messerwelle liefert bei 16.000 S/Min. eine Spanabnahme von 3,2 mm in einem einzigen Durchgang. Der Anschlag aus extrudiertem Aluminium neigt sich mit voreingestellten Winkeleinstellungen von 45 - 135°. Inklusive Führungsanschlag, Messerwellen-Abdeckung, Schiebestock, zwei Druckblöcken, Sechskant-Gabelschlüssel und zwei Innensechskantschlüsseln.


Einfache, genaue Hobeltiefeneinstellungen bis zu maximal 3,2 mm in einem Arbeitsdurchgang
Montageöffnungen ermöglicht die sichere Befestigung an die Werkbank
Staubabzugsstutzen bietet durch Anschluss an ein Staubabzugssystem ein sicheres und sauberes Arbeitsumfeld
Große Ein- und Abgabetische stützen selbst längere Werkstücke
Sicherungsschalter für elektrische Sicherheit
Zweischneidige Messerwelle für schnellen Materialabtrag und hochwertige Oberflächengüte
Stranggepresster Aluminiumanschlag für vielseitiges und genaues Hobeln bei 45 -135°
Schiebstock und Druckblöcke gewährleisten ein sicheres und kontrolliertes Zuführen des Werkstücks
Messerwellenabdeckung reuziert die Möglichkeit eines Rückschlages

Technische Daten

Einstellbarer Winkelbereich 90°, 45° und 135°
Tiefeneinstellung 0–3,2 mm
Staubabsaugung Ja
Hauptmaterial Aluminiumguss
Leerlaufdrehzahl 8.000 min-1
Höhe 315 mm
Länge 965 mm
Gewicht 25,4 kg
Breite 505 mm
Schallleistungspegel LW 107,3 dB
Schalldruckpegel LP 94,3 dB
Lieferumfang - 01 1 TSPL152 Abrichthobel, 1.100 W, 152 mm
Lieferumfang - 02 2 Handgriffe
Lieferumfang - 03 1 Messerwellenabdeckung
Lieferumfang - 04 1 Abdeckvorrichtung
Lieferumfang - 05 2 Schiebeblöcke
Lieferumfang - 06 1 Schiebestock
Lieferumfang - 07 1 Führungsanschlag
Lieferumfang - 08 1 Montagesatz für Führungsanschlag
Lieferumfang - 09 1 Gabelschlüssel,10 mm u. 12 mm
Lieferumfang - 10 1 Sechskant-Schraubenschlüssel
Lieferumfang - 11 1 Bedienungsanleitung
Lieferumfang - 12 1 Bedienungsanleitung


1 x TSPL152 1100W Surface Planer 152mm
2 x Handles
1 x Blade Guard
1 x Blade Guard Arm
2 x Push Blocks
1 x Push Stick
1 x Guide Fence
1 x Guide Fence Attachment Kit
1 x Double End Wrench (10mm & 12mm)
1 x Hex Spanner
1 x Instruction Manual


TSP L152

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12 Review(s)
I bought this machine as it was on special offer and I hadn't really considered one before as I used a thicknesser so bought it on a whim. I have to say that it seems really solid and well made and after putting it together I checked all the adjustments as per the instructions and to my surprise I didn't need to alter anything. All of the factory settings were perfect for the blade height and the pre-set fence settings for 45, 90 and 135 degrees! I ran a piece of wood through as a test piece and it straightened the surface and then with that surface against the fence it produced a perfect square edge. I look forward to using this machine as it is going to make any projects so much easier as I can now get perfect straight square edges before running them through the thicknesser to produce the required thickness board etc. To summarise, in my opinion Triton have produced a "Good solid well made tool" that in my case was perfectly set up with no adjustments required as received.

Good solid well made tool perfectly set up no adjustments required. Steve Sherriff - 01.07.2024

Come ogni elettroutensile di un certo tipo, richiede che l'utente vi prenda un minimo di manualità. Ho controllato le regolazioni di fabbrica e mi è sembrata già a posto. Prodotto al limite tra l'hobby ed il professionale, per quel poco che l'ho utilizzato mi ha soddisfatto più che sufficientemente. Ho spianato perfettamente delle tavole notevolmente torte, riuscendo a spianarle perfettamente. Sono più che soddisfatto dell'acquisto al momento, ci va solo un po di tecnica come in ogni cosa.

Ero titubante. Massimo - 22.06.2024

Had this device just over 18months now. Initially very impressed. The indeed and out feed table were co-planer to about 0.1mm over the entire length of the outfield table. Seemed to work fine initially but was taking more of the front of the work piece than the back. I actually started finishing workpieces with my number 7 hand-plane. Anyway I eventually investigated a bit further, the blades were too low, less than a mm but still to low. I (eventually) adjusted then and it now cuts much better. BUT a word of warning, the bolts holding the blade seemed to have thread lock applied. I eventually got all but 2 bolts out intact but I had to resort to cutting a slot in the last two and using a drift to tap them loose. This ruined the bolts. The bolts looked like M6 with a 1.25mm thread pitch (a very odd size), they are not! They are imperial UNC 1/4 2o tpi. All this typing is to assist others if they hit this problem. I didn’t expect imperial bolts !

Not bad Simon Gardiner - 19.03.2023

I don't know what I ever did without this planer. It's the business. It is well made and solid piece of kit. The blade height adjuster is good and the fence allows you to make accurate angle cuts. The dust extractor port collects the vast majority of dust with little spilling out elsewhere. I mounted the planer on a table with castors so I can wheel it wherever I want it. I am more than satisfied with my new baby.

Love it! Ian Simm - 24.09.2022

I haven't test it properly, but it seems like a good tool. The large handle is broken during installing the paner, and one of the cutter have some signs, but the rest is just fine.

Nice tool Dragos - 18.03.2022

Excellent Surface Planer, would definitely recommend.

1100W Surface Planer 152mm (6") Mark Butterfield - 24.02.2022

Very good!

Triton tspl152 Radoslaw - 14.02.2022

Good and polished equipment

Triton tspl152 Radoslaw - 13.02.2022

I have't used it yet, looks great for the price.It great to purchase a tool where you don't have spend time setting it up its all done for you.This is another Triton tool I have purchased to go with my Thickness Planer and My Mitre Saw.All purchased from FFX try thier prices.

TSPL152 William Cape - 26.12.2021

J'ai acquis cette dégauchisseuse depuis plusieurs mois, j'en suis entièrement satisfait. Elle est très ergonomique.

Bon matériel Olmo Cédric - 30.04.2021

Heb hem enige maanden en ben zeer tevreden. De aanslag is lastig vast te zetten maar na wat aanpassingen werkt dat ok. Uiteraard is de bank niet voor het grote werk maar voor meubelwerk zeer geschikt. Makkelijk op te bergen. Echter jammer dat de ondersteuning van triton te wensen overlaat. Zij hebben nog steeds mijn vraag niet beantwoord. De vraag is waar zijn vervanging beitels te koop onder welk nummer. Verder is het apparaat de moeite waard voor aanschaf.

Prima schaafbankje Rob van Campen - 19.04.2021

First impressions are that it works exactly as it should. Bought it after watching John Clothier's unboxing, setup and review video of it on YouTube, which also gives helpful additional instructions for setting it up. Complements my Triton TPT125 thicknesser. One minor thing: When I first attempted to attach the longer of the two tightening components by pulling back its handle and twisting its long bolt into place (you'll know what I mean if/when you get there), the spring mechanism in the handle failed. This meant that the handle still worked but that it now dangled rather than being held in place. The easy fix for this if this happens to you is to disassemble the component by removing the shorter hex-head bolt from it and then reassemble it.

Nice little machine Chris B - 02.12.2020