TTS 1400

Tauchsäge, 1400 W

Schnelle, einfache Sägeblattwechsel dank leicht zugänglicher Arretiervorrichtung. Erhöhte Sicherheit durch Arretierung des Tauchmodus. Weichgriffe. Für exakte, saubere Gerad- und Gehrungsschnitte mit der separat erhältlichen Führungsschiene kompatibel. Zubehöraufbewahrung am Gerät. Variable Drehzahlregelung mit Sanftanlauf und Drehzahlkonstanthaltung. Gehrungswinkel: 0–48°.


Betriebsartwahlschalter zum schnellen Umschalten zwischen Tauch-, Anreiß- und Sägeblattwechselmodus
Anreißmodus verhindert Splittern und Ausreißen
Mühelos wechselbare Kohlebürsten verlängern die Gerätelebensdauer
Präzise Gehrungsschnitte mit einstellbaren Gehrungswinkeln von 0–48°
Doppelte Gehrungswinkelarretierung liefert höchste Stabilität für präzise Schnitte
Einstellbare Geschwindigkeit, Sanftanlauffunktion und elektronische Drehzahlkonstanthaltung zur materialspezifisch optimalen Verarbeitung
Doppelte Ausrichtnocken zur Feineinstellung der Sägeposition auf der Führungsschiene
Anti-Rückschlagfunktion verhindert ein Rucken der Säge bei Tauchschnitten
Führungsschienenarretierung erhöht die Stabilität bei Gehrungsschnitten
Präzise Schnitttiefeneinstellung bis zu einer maximalen Schnitttiefe von 53 mm
Schnittbreitenanzeiger zur exakten Positionierung des Sägeblattes am Werkstück
Schnelle Sägeblattwechsel dank einfachen Zugriffs durch die Sägeblattabdeckung hindurch
Äußerst effiziente Staubabsaugung mit Universaladapter für Staubabsaugsysteme und um 360° drehbarem Absaugstutzen
Sägeblattwechselmodus und Einschaltsicherung für einfachen Sägeblattwechsel
Eintaucharretierung hält das Sägeblatt bei Nichtgebrauch der Säge sicher innerhalb der Sägeblattabdeckung
Gummibeschichteter, abrutschsicherer Griff liefert erhöhten Halt, Sicherheit und Kontrolle

Technische Daten

Gehrungswinkelbereich 0–48°
Sägeblattdurchmesser 165 mm
Blatttyp 60 Zähne, Hartmetall
Bohrung 20 mm
Hauptmaterial Aluminium
Leerlaufdrehzahl 2.000–5.000 min-1
Höhe 250 mm
Länge 340 mm
Gewicht 5,4 kg
Breite 230 mm
Schallleistungspegel LW 104,87 dB(A), KWA=3 dB(A)
Schalldruckpegel LP 93,87 dB(A), KpA=3 dB(A)
Lieferumfang - 01 1 TTS1400-Tauchsäge, 1.400 W
Lieferumfang - 02 1 Sägeblatt, 165 mm
Lieferumfang - 03 1 Paar Ersatzkohlebürsten
Lieferumfang - 04 1 Staubabsaugadapter, 35 mm
Lieferumfang - 05 1 x Instruction Manual


1 TTS1400-Tauchsäge, 1.400 W
1 x Blade 165mm
1 x Pair Carbon Brushes
1 x Dust Port Direction Adaptor 35mm
1 x Instruction Manual


TTS 1400



Führungsschienen und Verbindungsstücke

Ein Paar Führungsschienen in 700 mm Länge sowie ein Paar Verbindungsstücke. Zur Verwendung mit der Triton-Tauchsäge TTS1400.

TTS T1500


1500 mm lange Führungsschiene. Zur Verwendung mit der Triton-Tauchsäge TTS1400. Auch mit Tauchsägen der Marken Festool und Makita kompatibel.



Ein Paar Verbindungsstücke zum Zusammensetzen von Führungsschienen für eine größere Gesamtlänge. Zur Verwendung mit der Triton-Tauchsäge TTS1400.


Tauchsägeblatt, 60 Zähne

Hartmetall-Kreissägeblatt für die Triton-Tauchsäge TTS1400.



Reißschiene für perfekt rechtwinklige Schnitte. Zur Verwendung mit der Triton-Tauchsäge TTS1400. Mit Führungsschienen der Marken DeWalt, Festool und Makita kompatibel. Reißschiene nimmt (mit und ohne Werkzeugzwinge) eine Länge von 140 mm auf der Führungsschiene ein.



Zum schnellen, genauen Einstellen von Schnittwinkeln. Voreingestellte Winkel bis +/-55° für äußerst präzise Winkelschnitte. Zur Verwendung mit der Triton-Tauchsäge TTS1400. Bitte beachten: Der Gehrungsanschlag nimmt (mit und ohne Werkstückzwingen) eine Länge von über 140 mm auf der Führungsschiene ein.



Ein Paar Schraubzwingen zur Befestigung des Werkstücks an der Führungsschiene. Zur Verwendung mit der Triton-Tauchsäge TTS1400. Jede Zwinge nimmt eine Länge von 25 mm auf der Führungsschiene ein.



Staubauffangsystem, bestehend aus einem halbsteifen Beutel mit 1000-ml-Fassungsvermögen. Zur Verwendung mit der Triton-Tauchsäge TTS1400. Vliesmaterial sorgt für eine hohe Filterleistung. Sichtfenster für Füllstandskontrolle.



Tasche für die Tauchsäge TTS1400.


Stofftasche für 700-mm-Führungsschiene

Tasche zur Aufbewahrung der 700-mm-Führungsschiene


{0} Bewertungen

45 Review(s)
Une Scie plongeante agréable à utiliser et des modes de plonger bien penser comme le mode inciseur pour une coupe parfaite ! J'en suis fan comme je suis fan de Triton !

Scie plongeante au top ! Gaertner Guillaume - 07.03.2023

Outstanding saw, I bought mine in 2015 and it is still going strong. It has built multiple cabinets and done a multitude of finish jobs and never missed a beat. I have used it on friend Makita track and De Walt track and it has performed seamlessly. I have tried all the others, this is by far the best saw for the money.

Excellent Saw Scott - 10.10.2022

I have had trouble with this saw from the day I got it. I should have returned it then, but it's been a year, so I am stuck with it. It takes at minimum 5 cuts to get through 3/4 ply, and usually more like 7. I wish I had held out for the Festool.

Maybe I got a dud? James - 15.03.2022

It is a very well made piece of equipment It does the job very well. The anti kick back mechanism takes some getting used to but it soon become easy to get used to and has come into operation several times and work very well.

Triton track /plunge saw Michael Sansom - 10.06.2020

Knocked from chair to floor 18 inches by grandson, plunge locked with blade down 3/8ths of an inch down. There is not a mark on the saw, mode selector locked must be broke internally I have had it since feb. 22,2019 used it to breakdown sheet goods did an excellent job till yesterday

not very durable Gerald Davis - 31.05.2020

This is my first use of a plunge saw. I am happy with the saw for the small amount of DIY work I have been doing. Cuts down 18mm sheet ply with no trouble. Getting the cut angle isn’t totally straight forward, there isn’t any notching in the -1 to 45 degree range, so takes a bit of faffing to get a 90 degree cut. The depth stop isn’t particularly precise either.

Triton TTS1400 Plunge Saw Ash - 13.05.2020

Hand-held plunge track saw will be useful not only for accurate and high-quality cutting of wood, mdf or laminated boards (and even aluminum), but it is also irreplaceable when cutting cable ducts in floors or holes inside workpieces. Triton TTS1400 is the most accurate, most easy-to-use track saw I've ever had. It works perfectly at the 0° angle and 54 mm depth of cut. The trunnion adjustment allows setting the blade angle anywhere from 0° to about 48° - very solid and precise mechanism. It has the scribe cut mode that eliminates splintering and tear-out, it is very good for cutting laminated board. Anti-kickback safety feature is working exactly like it should and dual alignment cams fine tune the fit between the saw and track for exact cuts.

Triton TTS1400 Plunge Track Saw - The Best Plunge Track Saw I've ever had! Piotr Minor - 07.05.2020

Excellent machine

Tools Julio Cesar Bassetto - 05.04.2020

Really pleased with my new purchase I used it with a makita guide rail and was happy with how the saw performed, would have given 5 stars but the blade could be better

Triton plunge saw Kevin - 04.04.2020

...but unfortunately I've got a Problem since first use. Sent a question to Triton Support and got an answer in less than 1 working day. they told me to contact the reseller for an exchange. And if this is not possible I can contact them again, so in my point of view they do a great job. But Quality and possibilities are great, handling is also very good. Anti-kickback safety feature is great and I think it's the only saw I know that has this feature. Guide rail track lock as well is very good and easy to use and very helpful when cutting bevel cuts. Dust extraction worked fine, even while having a problem with the saw. One of the great things is the blade lock for scribe mode and also the quick lock to exchange the blade. All together I've to say it's a great saw and I'm very happy I bought it. And if my problem is fixed I surely will use it more than my (cheap) tablesaw (until I'll buy a better one) because there are more possibilities and precision and quality! Thanks for another great product ("another" because I've got the MOF 001 Plunge Router as well).

I think it's a great Saw... Marcel Zerbini - 27.03.2020

After reading good reviews of this track saw, I decided to purchase one, and I wasn’t disappointed. The saw gives a nice cut on veneer plywood, especially when using the scoring cut feature before making the through cut. The saw comes with a nice carbide blade installed which performs well. The fence has a grippy rubber backing, so it stays put without the need for clamps. I just lay the plywood onto sheets of rigid foam insulation on the shop floor, line up the zero clearance edge guide with my cut line, and go. The dust port connects to my shop vac and does a good job of eliminating most of the dust. I was also impressed with the anti-kick back feature. Once connected to the fence, the saw cannot move backward in the cut, so it’s very safe to use. For the money, this saw is an excellent value. The fence is available in either a single piece or two piece design.

Very nice saw Jim Gott - 06.02.2020

Great bit of kit for a reasonable price. Accurate cuts and solid build quality. Well done Triton.

Plunge saw David Beswick - 05.02.2020

I have been using it to cut moulding from full sheets. works like a charm. The only con is the anti kick back, I removed it and now it is perfect. I am going to buy another track so I can purchase 12 foot sheets and make 12 foot mouldings

paid for itself on the first job michael low - 11.02.2019

I have seen and used the 1400 W Plunge Track Saw. I am so excited to add this instrument to my small work shop. Accuracy is spot on and versatility is exactly what I was looking for. I like my small shop with its manual and machined instruments and this 1400 W Plunge Track Saw finishes my shop instrumentation.

Review 1400W Plunge Track Saw William Payne - 08.01.2019

This tool is just perfect! Nice cuts and easy to handle.

Perfect tool Leblanc - 16.12.2018

Does what ir says on the box, a vast improvement on my old circular saw and home made ply track. Plunge is very useful when cut needed part way across aboard without cutting edge.

TTS1400 Graham Frankland - 14.12.2018

Habituer au scie circulaire traditionnel, une plongeante change vraiment la façon de travaillé avec les rails . Facile et efficaces cet scie est vraiment très bien.

Super produit Pierrick - 23.10.2018

Ho acquistato questa circolare perché avevo bisogno di qualcosa di pratico e funzionale, a causa del poco spazio nel mio laboratorio, in cui non uso attrezzi stazionari. Molto pratica e funzionale perché utilizzando le piste e altri accessori riesco ad avere tutte le lavorazioni che avrei con una troncatrice o banco sega. Sono molto soddisfatto del mio acquisto.

Triton tts1400 Federico - 10.07.2018

Works well for the price but I do not like the plastic depth guage design. I would like to see the depth guage function a little better. If you want plan on using a track saw as a professional, you might look at other options.

Great value Chris - 08.05.2018

I cannot say enough good things about the service I received from Debbie Long with Toolstream USA out of Charlotte, NC. I had a motor go out on a 1400 Plunge saw just weeks before the warranty deadline. They took my saw and communicated all their efforts to repair the motor. Within a couple of days they concluded the motor was not going to be repaired and replaced the entire saw. Andy Venable Knoxville, TN

returned my 3 year old saw Andrew Venable - 21.02.2018

I've used the saw for approx 2 months now and I have to say the results are really good. Firstly the build quality is excellent, the plunge action is very smooth. I've used the FT saw and this is an excellent saw to compare, especially considering the cost. Negatives, saw blade quality could be a little better, dust extraction at the front end could be better, and the kick back function can be frustrating. All in all this is a great bit of kit and couldn't recommend it highly enough.

Awesome piece of kit Nick O'Donoghue - 20.02.2018

Nachdem meine alte Säge nicht mehr funktionierte, habe ich eine Triton TTS1400 mit einigem Zubehör als Ersatz angeschafft. Der erste Eindruck ist sehr positiv, der Winkel-Anschlag hilft beim raschen ablängen, die Schiene bietet einen Rückschlagschutz und die Zwingen sichern die Schiene gut gegen verrutschen. Ich bin zufrieden :-).

Neue Handkreissäge Andreas - 07.01.2018

All the features of more expensive saws, easy to adjust for different stock. No more moving sheet stock, no second cuts through the table saw. Laser accurate cuts, easy set up clamping system. Love it.

owner David Smith - 14.12.2017

Excellent tool

Plunge Saw Norman Scott - 05.12.2017

I am a professional wood worker and used the TTS 1400 to cut various thickness sheet stock. It took a little getting used to, but once I was familiar with set up I found it saved me a lot of time and effort. No more over cutting then running through the table saw for finish cut. Laser accurate cuts, every time. A great quality tool with all the features of other more expensive models.

TTS 1400 David Smith - 29.11.2017

Only used a few times so far, but I don't think I made a mistake in buying it.

Track saw Jeff Patro - 11.11.2017

I am pleased with the performance of the 1400W Plunge Track Saw. It has done a good job on plywood and hardboard. My complaint is the poor instructions. The manual does not describe the proper sequence to start the motor and does not describe the depth adjustment for with and without the track. I would give it 5 stars if the manual was better.

Track Saw does the job Walter Ballard - 30.10.2017

The saw leaves a nice finish to the cut. I find the depth stop scale to be off a bit and I wish it got more of the sawdust when connected to a dust collection system, perhaps it needs the large window for changing the blade sealed. I really dislike having to press the anti-kickback lever when engaging the saw onto the track and this also is a problem if you have to back the saw up in a cut because of binding or some other reason. A riving knife would be safer and easier to use.

Nice finish Jay - 24.10.2017

Well made, easy to use.

Track saw Irene - 23.09.2017

Excellent matériel ! Que dire de plus sinon PARFAIT !!!

SUPER ! Lequesne Jean-Claude - 17.09.2017

Super! En rapport qualité/prix, que dire d'autre que SUPER ! Je recommande !!!!

Super Lequesne Jean-Claude - 02.09.2017

It is not very accurate when you connect two short track together.

The problem of track Yi Zhang - 26.08.2017

Ich habe gestern die Maschine zum erstenmal benutzt und bin sehr zufrieden.

Hobby-Handwerker Karl-Heinz Gottwald - 05.07.2017

Purchased this track saw as a kit including clamps and bag and two 29" tracks etc, first impressions were pleasing cutting cleanly, it took a little time getting used to the slow soft start (compared to my other saws) but it got the job done well and accurately, I find the clamps very handy when doing long cuts, to this end I purchased the 1500mm track and extra rail joints. Very good value and will no doubt work as well as my other triton tools for many years.

Great track saw at sensible money.. Graham Alexander - 20.05.2017

Je suis très content de mon achat outils très qualitatifs très bonne finition très grand precision je recommande vivement

État : Nouveau produit Scie circulaire plongeante D. 165 mm 230 V 1400W Come - 17.05.2017

As with many home woodworking shops, space is a real issue - probably the biggest issue! My little 12'x 16' shop had no room to break down 4'x8' plywood and my saw only has a 25" rip capacity. Consequently, I was forced to rely on the cutting station at the local "big box store" with their out of square fences and dull blades that make a cut that looks like it was done with a meat axe. I bought the Triton 1400 track saw and two lengths of track a couple of months ago and I'm in heaven - Beautiful straight, clean cuts with no "chatter" or tear out. The set up time and learning curve was minimal. I have now built a pull down vertical panel cutting rack that hangs from the ceiling when not in use. Though you need to purchase the track clamps, the TTS1400 works perfectly in the vertical orientation as well. Great Addition To My Shop!!

TTS1400 - An Awesome Addition To a Small Workshop Michael Thompson - 01.05.2017

This saw works as expected. Clean easy cuts. Just the thing for small shops blanking sheet goods.

Track saw smiles Allen Culuris - 27.02.2017

The Triton track saw I definitely worth it if your on a budget. It has a lot of good features. And great track. The only con I've found is that the anti kickback knob is a bit annoying to deal with when making a shallow kerf cut. But I can live with it.

Best track saw for my budget Ozzy Deschapell - 22.02.2017

Have used my new track saw for a couple small projects. I am very impressed with the quality of cuts this saw makes. I fell it makes better cuts than my expensive table saw. I plan on using my Trit on track saw for many projects.

Tra k saw Andre Faucher - 27.01.2017

I had been looking for good track saw within my budget for some time. Having looked at the other brands they all seem to have sinilar features with significantly differing price tags. I was impressed with the super-jaws i bought some time ago so gave a look at the Triton track saw. Very impressed. Smooth in operation solidly built and quieter than expected. After a few minutes getting used to its operation and features was ready to cut that first cut. Since perfect accurate cuts to my lines every time. Finish left is good too. Definately reccomend.

Track saw Kevin James - 14.11.2016

A track saw has always been on my list of tools to buy, as I work with sheets of ply often and they are hard to drop over a table saw even with a sliding table attachment. The cuts are crisp and its so easy to get perfectly parallel cuts. This works large blanks and sheet good so easily that a new world of wood working possibilities is opening up to me . I don't know how I managed without this saw. A definite must for every workshop, shed or garage.

a cut above caleb - 13.10.2016

Very good saw. Does everything I need , everything I expected and does it as well as my neighbors Festool track saw. At less than half the price! Very happy with this purchase. Chuck

Track Saw Charles Keefer - 26.09.2016

Purchased 1400W track saw, the saw worked to my satisfaction and has some nice features. I did have a problem with the 27" tracks, the ends were not square. Contacted cust. serv. and they were understanding and sent me a replacement set. As of now I have not had a chance to use the new set, hopefully they are OK.

Jerry Gerald Blevens - 03.09.2016

I reviewed several track saws on line and got them down to two. A visit to my local Rockler store helped me decide. Price and options won out with my Triton TTS1400. It's closest competition was Dewalt. Having short tracks I can do smaller pieces or connect for longer boards was a main advantage. Locking on track to prevent kickback and angles is great also. The only thing missing would be a riving knife.

After careful review, Triton won out Mark Barber - 01.08.2016

I am honestly at a loss as to how I managed before purchasing this saw. Perfectly straight and parallel cuts used to be difficult to achieve, but are now a snap. This product has now replaced my table saw for the vast majority of tasks. Great stuff, Triton!

A Revelation Marc Jennings - 01.08.2016