Schwingschleifer mit kraftvollem 500-W- Motor und zwei Stütztellern mit 150 mm und 125 mm Durchmesser. Stufenlose Drehzahlregelung und Geschwindigkeitskonstandhaltung unter Last. Staubabzugsstutzen für eine effektive Staubabsaugung. Schnelles Umschalten von freie auf zwangsgeführte Rotation für schnellen und genauen Materialabtrag. Schwenkbarer Zusatzhandgriff und schwingungsdämpfendende Weichgriffe bieten mehr Bedienkomfort und Sicherheit. Zwei Stützteller, Gerätekoffer, 12 Schleifscheiben und ein paar Ersatz-Kohlebürsten sind im Lieferumfang enthalten.
Kraftvoller 500-W-Motor stellt reichlich Leistung auch für anspruchsvolle Schleif- und Polierarbeiten bereit
Zwei Schwingschleifmodi zwischen freier Rotation für feine Schleifarbeiten und zwangsgeführter Rotation für schnellen Materialabtrag und zur Hochglanzpolitur
Staubabsaugstutzen ermöglicht saubere Arbeitsbereiche und erhöht die Bediensicherheit
Elektronische Drehzahlkonstanthaltung unter Last sorgt für höchstmögliche Gerätekontrolle
Drehzahlregelung und Schleiftellerbremse erlauben die Bearbeitung unterschiedlichster Materialien und verhindern eine Beschädigung des Werkstücks
Gummiummantelter Haltegriff bietet verbesserten Bedienungskomfort, Sicherheit und Gerätekontrolle
Verstellbarer Zusatzgriff passt das Gerät an die auszuführende Aufgabe und den Bediener an
Gerätetasche, zwölf Schleifblätter in unterschiedlichen Körnungen und ein Paar Ersatzkohlebürsten zur praktischen Aufbewahrung des Gerätes, für unterschiedliche Schleifanwendungen und für eine verlängerte Nutzungsdauer
Technische Daten
2500–6250 min-1
170 mm
410 mm
3,07 kg
150 mm
2.500 - 6.250 min-1
Lieferumfang - 01
1 TGEOS-Getriebe-Exzenter-/Schwingschleifer, 500 W
Lieferumfang - 02
1 Klettstützteller, 150 mm (6 Zoll)
Lieferumfang - 03
1 Klettstützteller, 125 mm (5 Zoll)
Lieferumfang - 04
12 Schleifblätter (4 x 80er-, 4 x 100er- und 4 x 240er-Körnung)
Best orbital sander I have used for everything that I have used it on!
Perfect weight and power, and even has 2 different disc backing pads, highly recommend!
Great SanderDanny Aubrey - 06.05.2020
very good sander - works so easy and smooth
Triton sanderKatarzyna - 06.03.2020
Nice powerful machine in aggressive gear but as gentle as you want it to be in the other gear. Nicely balanced with power to go. Easy to work with for long periods.
I should have bought one 20 years ago!Gerry Moffatt - 23.01.2020
好产品Arther - 28.11.2019
I had purchased 20 wood boards and they required extensive sanding due to the rough surface texture of the boards. I spent 2 days sanding all the surfaces of the boards with the Triton 500W Geared Eccentric Orbital Sander going through the numerous grits and the sander did not have any operational issues. The surface of the boards came out great and the project was finished on time. Great tool. I noticed and felt there was significant vibration dampening of the sander, no tingling of the fingers after the long sanding task.
The Geared Eccentric Orbital Sander was a workhorseRichard Urbantas - 10.10.2019
Brought this to replace an erauber sander didn't want to spend all the money on the festool, really pleased with it very powerful and controllable, downside is the dust holes on the sanding pad don't match up with the majority of DA disc dust holes, gears are quite noisey.
Apart from that really pleased with it and would recommend .
geared orbital sanderGraham Chubb - 05.01.2019
Hi I bought the orbital sander a couple months back and was very pleased with it until something went wrong and it started making a loud sound. I contacted the company where I bought it and shipped it to them for repair.
Orbital sanderChris - 19.04.2018
Bought this belt Sanders after my Poter Cable went dead after 15 years. This Triton is a heavy duty professional grade tool belt sander. I have run it non stop for hours on end with no issues. Easy change belts and easy to set tracking. I liked the took and quality I ordered the geared orbital sander as well. Same quality would recommend to anyone with heavy sanding needs.
TA1200BSAndy Walters - 31.03.2018
if you want to remove stock quickly this is the machine for you. a little difficult to hold but you soon get used to it, no dust quick removal and fantastic finish, good tool, good price
fast machinepeter garnett - 14.02.2018
Tool performed as anticipated. Great results on 4 foot by 8 foot dining table surface
Great performanceRichard Steel - 21.12.2017
This is a solid powerful weighty machine I have used it with 40 grit to 320 grit disc's, in fixed orbit it removes material quite quickly but you need to pay attention to it as it can kick back if it digs in, having said that my machine has a slight wobble on the horizontal plane don't know whether that's intended or a fault.
In random orbital mode it is a smooth a machine even with the wobble, and produces a good finish.
Having only used 125 mm machines before I wasn't aware that 150 mm machines have a verity of extraction hole centres so bought wrong ones first time, but with a vacum extractor attached it clears dust very effectively.
On the whole I think I would purchase another.
Geared sander TGEOS 500WSj Col - 08.12.2017
This sander feels very tactile and is comfortable to use, I experienced a small problem so I contacted Triton with my concerns. The real test of a great company is not only the reliability and functionality of their products, it is how they deal with a problem should it occur, and Triton have exceeded all my expectations. This sander is very effective, easy to use and I have no reservations about recommending this product, the aftersales service is exceptional. Well done Triton.
Машинка весьма неплохо показала себя при шлифовании старых окон и дверей. Производительность впечатляет. Чтобы из машинки выжать максимально, необходимо (обязательно!) использовать систему пылеудаления и сетчатый абразив. Подошва быстро нагревается и требует периодического охлаждения. Режим "финишной доводки" не сильно понравился в силу фактического отсутствия подтормаживания подошвы.
1) Достаточна большая мощность;
2) Нормально работающая система стабилизации;
3) Эргономична и удобна;
4) Относительно не высокая цена.
1) Сильная вибрация и шум;
2) Корткий 3 метровый шнур;
3) Фактическое отсутствие подтармаживания подошвы в режиме "финишной доводки";
4) Отваливается логотип с переключателя режимов работы и резиновая накладка на кнопке включения.
Первое впечатление от шлифмашинкиAleh Darashuk - 13.11.2017
This sander feels very tactile and is comfortable to use, I experienced a small problem so I contacted Triton with my concerns. The real test of a great company is not only the reliability and functionality of their products, it is how they deal with a problem should it occur, and Triton have exceeded all my expectations. This sander is very effective, easy to use and I have no reservations about recommending this product, the aftersales service is exceptional. Well done Triton.
Triton 500w geared orbital sanderkeith Edwards - 31.10.2017
This sander feels very tactile and is comfortable to use, I experienced a small problem so I contacted Triton with my concerns. The real test of a great company is not only the reliability and functionality of their products, it is how they deal with a problem should it occur, and Triton have exceeded all my expectations. This sander is very effective, easy to use and I have no reservations about recommending this product, the aftersales service is exceptional. Well done Triton.
Triton 500w TGEOS orbital sanderKeith Edwards - 17.10.2017
Just got opportunity to work with the new 500W, love it! Great material removal when needed and great in finish mode. I would recommend to anyone thinking of stepping up to a 6 inch Sander.
500W SanderJon Estes - 22.09.2017
I find the motor rattle sound to it. I expected the sander to not sound like it may break when using in either mode for $250.00. The sander performed well and feels heavy and well built.
TGEOS SanderTom Sapelak - 21.09.2017
I've put this sander through it's paces for a month now and I honestly can't find fault with it. From heavy stock removal to final buffing and everything in between. Affordable and with a huge 3 year warranty, you can't go wrong with this product. Tip: When on 'geared' setting, clamp down your workpiece and hold on tight with both hands!
OutstandingNick Hutchinson - 31.08.2017
If you've been saving your money for a Festool Rotex, here's a suggestion: Don't pull the trigger until you check out the Triton Geared Eccentric Orbital Sander (TGEOS). Although we met only a couple of months ago, I've already fallen deeply in love with this machine. (I still don't know how I'll break the news to my wife.) Dual sanding modes, variable speed control, and a beastly 500-watt motor make this a sander to be reckoned with. (My wife doesn't even have ONE sanding mode.) And electronic speed control means this sander won't wimp out under pressure. When it's in the "forced rotation mode," the TGEOS removes material FAST. I mean REALLY fast. For sensitive surfaces or gentler sanding, just flip the switch to the "free run mode." Oh, and did I mention that the TGEOS costs less than half what you'll pay for a comparable Festool Rotex? You're welcome.
Get This Sander!Mark Mayfield - 17.08.2017
Auf der Suche nach einem guten Exzenterschleifer, mit hoher Abtragsleistung bin ich auf der TGEOS von Triton gestoßen.
Der Abtrag der Maschine im Grobschliffmodus ist sehr hoch und die Vibrationen halten sich auch dort in Grenzen (konstruktionsbedingt entstehen in diesem Modus ja immer mehr Vibrationen). Im Feinschliffmodus erzielt der Schleifer ein sehr gutes Schliffbild und feine Oberflächen.
Das Handling gefällt mir auch gut, wenngleich es schöner wäre, wenn der Handgriff einfacher abnehmbar wäre.
Alles in Allem bin ich sehr zufrieden mit dem TGEOS und würde ihn jeder Zeit wieder kaufen!
Triton TGEOSChristopher Besuch - 26.06.2017
I bought this sander because of a large dinning room table I was working on. I was spending too much time sanding with a 5 inch sander. This 6 inch sander is awesome. It is a work horse. It cut my sanding time by hours. I am so happy with the sander. It works wonders.
6 inches orbital sanderPreston Maxwell - 21.03.2017
This sanders is awesome. I glued up a 4x8 foot black walnut table. I had some joints that weren't flush. It was taking me forever with a 5 inch orbital sander. I ordered the Triton and it did the job. I cut my sanding by over half. I am really impressed with the amount of sanding it can do. I wish I would have bought this tool years ago.
Triton 6 inch sanderPreston Maxwell - 10.03.2017
Excellent product - especially at the price. I've retired my belt sander and random orbital sander due to this machine. As rough as a lion on geared mode and featherlite otherwise. Brilliant.
Precision PerfectedJP JOUBERT - 20.07.2016
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