TDJ 600

Присадочный фрезер 710 Вт

Присадочный фрезер с электродвигателем мощностью 710 Вт сверлит по два отверстия с межосевым расстоянием 32 мм для подготовки соединений на шип. Упрощает сборку мебели и полок. Цельнометаллический механизм и зубчатые колеса обеспечивают продолжительный срок службы. Параллельная направляющая, регулируемая в диапазоне 0-90°. Быстрая настройка глубины сверления в диапазоне 0-38 мм. Высокоточная реечная передача для регулировки по высоте. Прозрачный 3-линейный визир упрощает наладку и облегчает выполнение повторяющихся операций. Изолированная рукоятка с местом для хранения шестигранного ключа. В комплекте два сверла диаметром 8 мм.

Особенности изделия

Высокоточная реечная передача Точная регулировка толщины материала
Регулировка глубины сверления Обеспечивает высокую точность обработки каждого соединения
Сверление двух отверстий за один проход Для быстрой и точной сборки
Угол параллельной направляющей регулируется в диапазоне 0-90° что позволяет создавать надежные и точные соединения под углом
Держатель с зубцами Высокоточное сверление многочисленных отверстий заданного размера
Прозрачный, откалиброванный визир Высокая точность наладки и сверления
Передняя рукоятка обеспечивает удобство работы и надежный хват
Отверстие для отвода пыли позволяет подключать инструмент к системе вытяжки и повышает чистоту и безопасность рабочего места
Курковый выключатель расположен в удобном месте

Technical Specification

Диапазон регулировки угла 0 - 90°
Регулировка глубины Да
Вытяжка пыли Да
Материал - основная конструкция Пластик и алюминий
Частота вращения без нагрузки 17 000 об/мин
Высота изделия 220 мм
Длина изделия 4070 мм
Масса изделия 2,8 кг
Ширина изделия 155 мм
Уровень звуковой мощности Lw 99,4 дБ
Уровень звукового давления Lp 88,4 дБ
What's in the box - 01 1 x TDJ600 Dowelling Jointer
What's in the box - 02 2 x Drill Bits 8mm
What's in the box - 03 2 x Hex Key (1 x 2.5mm & 1 x 6mm)
What's in the box - 04 1 x Pair of Carbon Brushes
What's in the box - 05 1 x Carry Bag
What's in the box - 06 1 x Instruction Manual

Комплектная оснастка

2 сверла диаметром 8 мм
2 x Drill Bits 8mm
1 x Hex Key
1 x Pair of Carbon Brushes
1 x Carry Bag
1 x Instruction Manual


TDJ 600


22 Review(s)
I have a small mom and pop shop. We do custom residential cabinets . I have been looking for doweling machines but most of them are pretty big. These machines are perfect for a small shop. I picked up two of them, one set up for the face side , and one set up for the ends. Both machines are accurate, have nice long cords, and great dust collection. Doweling is a great cost effective way of assembling cabinets. Been doing it for years. Will be referring to friends and I highly recommend these doweling machines.

Very satisfied Kenneth Holmes - 04.07.2024

This has worked well on all projects and align well. Would like to see bits available also in inches and will buy if available. 1/4, 3/8 and 1/2. Close with 8,10,and 12 mm but does not match our stuff over here. Arizona.

Great but need inch dia bits Dean Garrett - 12.11.2022

Works as it should and makes gluing boards a lot easier.

Doweling Jointer John - 07.05.2022

En tant que menuisier professionnel (fenêtres, cadres, portes et meubles), je suis toujours à la recherche d'outils à un prix abordable. La Triton Chevilleuse tourillonneuse 710 W est une bonne machine qui fait bien son travail. L'appareil tient bien en main et fonctionne sur batterie. De plus, il ne démérite pas dans mes comparaisons avec les marques beaucoup plus chères ! Ce qui n'est pas non plus complètement sans importance à mon avis, c'est le soutien de Triton. Il est rapide et convivial.

Bon produit à un bon prix ! Claude-Pascal - 10.01.2022

I bought this dowel jointer basically as I couldn't justify the cost of a domino jointer for what I need. It was the best purchase I've made in a long time! After watching YouTube videos saying how bad it was out of the box, I took a deep breath and went ahead anyway. Triton must have been listening because straight out of the box, mine was nearly 100% spot on. I did a minor amount of adjustments, but that was down to my own preferences rather than the machine, as I like to set all of my own tools up. At a fraction of the price of a Domino, and with the fabrication of a couple of easily made jigs to further its use with speed, it's more than paid for itself already with the convenience and the ability to create dowel joints up to 12mm dia and 30mm deep. Buy one. You won't regret it!!

Fantastic bit of kit! Dean Farrelly - 30.10.2020

After reading so many negative comments and reviews about this product I decided to purchase a second hand one, it's was still one 6 months old and had not been used very much at all. Straight away I check things I had heard was wrong with it, fence beveling slips when tightened, I found that was not true it was fine. Also I read that the plunge action was very hard, I also found that to be false, it plunges nicely with a bit of resistance. For what I'm using it for I find it to work exactly as I need it, you will obviously just need to be very precise with your marking out as there no room for error with dowelling. Over all I went in thinking I could be disappointed and I certainly wasnt

Exceeded expectations Marcus Del Pizzo - 04.10.2020

Bon produit ,permet de relier facilement deux planches grâce à des chevilles en bois. L'utilisation est simple et plongée dans le bois est un peu dure. Mais vu le prix ce produit est excellent.

Bon produit très pratique frédéric M. - 24.06.2018

I have found the dowel jointer to be effective for drilling paired holes for dowels. However the centring gauge for determining the centre of a work piece is difficult to adjust accurately. On the back side of the jointer is a machines pattern that one would assume is for an indexing ruler for making repeatable holes but no such accessory is available. I also had to redrill and taper the side mounted scale ruler in order to get an accurate reading it was off about 1mm. Generally I find the tool acceptable

Do well Jointer Mitchell Nimeck - 09.06.2018

work great but you have to hold it still till motor stops to avoid elongating your holes. this would work even better if it had an electric brake to stop it from spinning immediately instead of waiting 20-30 seconds after each cut.

works as advertised Charles L. Ervin - 12.03.2018

It makes my woodwork easy to get sturdy joints, and I can get the job done quicker. I'm pleased with my purchase of this product.

710 Dowelling Jointer Michael Duffy - 09.03.2018

Works as described. Must be sure to line up dowels perfectly.

710W Doweling Jointer Bruce Patrick - 29.12.2017

Very sturdy built tool, easy to center on drill points, easy adjusting for drill depth and dowel location, smooth operating

Dual Dowel Jointer Jerry Moore - 30.11.2017

I bought this machine for some framing work that I was doing. I didn't require the heft of a Mortice and Tenon yet needed something short of this. This machine proved perfect when you consider the cost of a domino or similar loose tenon jointer. It is very accurate and no vibration from the motor driving two drill bits also the face and fence parts move very tightly and are well machined. Overall I would highly recommend this machine for accuracy, ease of use and value for money

Nice tight accurate and refined tool for creating double dowell Joints Pat Hynes - 29.08.2017

Overall not a bad machine, but be prepared to do some fettling to get it right. As supplied, the marker lines do not line up with the centreline if the drills, which leads to a 1-2 mm error in the joint. That said, for the money it is a very good machine and well worth the effort required to get it right.

Good machine Ross - 22.07.2017

The Triton 710W Dowelling Jointer is proving to be an excellent purchase, a very well made precision jointer that I could not be without, I use this on a daily basis and it has never let me down, very easy to use and very easy and quick to swap over the drill bits, I am really pleased with my purchase.

710W Dowelling Jointer Julian gardner - 12.07.2017

Excellent product. Very good value for money like all the triton tools. Be prepared to spend a bit of time getting the settings just right the first time, but after that, you're away.

Dowelling Jointer Ross - 09.07.2017

I have been using the Duo dowell jointer for the last couple of weeks, I have had no issues with the product, it operates as it should producing accurate dowelling holes, the item also seems to be very well made and should last a long time, on top of this when registered to have a three year guarantee is peace of mind if any unlikely faults do occur, I would happy recommend this product .

Duo Dowell Jointer Julian gardner - 28.06.2017

I used the tool on some test pieces. Was unsatisfied with the results. Joint was uneven due to the slop in the track that guided the drills. Also thought the spring on one side caused the tool to twist. Returned the tool to Rockler. Sorry, I really wanted this tool to make my work better.

My Opinion John McGonagle - 23.06.2017

Hi So far I´ve been satisfied with dowelling jointer 710W, not least because the price is very reasonable.

Jointer Keijo Kilpiäinen - 17.06.2017

The dowelling jointer has met all my expectations. It has allowed me to drill straight, accurate holes for my dowels. I also had a situation where I lost one of the allen screws that hold the drill bits in place. The Triton support folks sent me 2 screws immediately. The combination of a great tool and terrific support is what I have come to expect and experience with Triton products.

dowelling jointer Peter Kosydar - 31.05.2017



I own the TC500 DWL the older version of TJD 600 find it very good construction and very precise. The only draw back are the drilling bits don't stay sharp long on hard wood and don't think that can be sharpened.

TC500 DWL joseph - 22.04.2012