Электрический рубанок мощностью 750 Вт с возможностью обработки пазов

17 ступеней регулировки глубины обеспечивают высокую точность удаления припуска. Безопасный выключатель и вспомогательная рукоятка повышают удобство работы. Пыль можно отводить как влево, так и вправо. Индикатор питания. Вместо ножевого барабана можно устанавливать взаимозаменяемый шлифовальный барабан. Параметры строгания: ширина 82 мм, глубина 3 мм. Масса 3,9 кг.

Особенности изделия

Регулировка глубины строгания в диапазоне 0-3 мм позволяет снимать припуск за один проход
Регулировка частоты вращения позволяет приводить обороты барабана в соответствие обрабатываемому материалу
Барабан с 3 ножами увеличивает скорость удаления материала (46 500 рабочих движений в минуту)
Ручка-скоба улучшает эргономика и управляемость
Отвод стружки влево или вправо позволяет направлять к одной из двух сторон заготовки
Ограждение барабана обеспечивает защиту от ножей при обработке пазов
Кнопка блокировки шпинделя для удобства смены барабанов
Стояночная опора защищает ножи и заготовку от повреждений при вращении по инерции
Неоновый индикатор питания повышает безопасность оператора

Technical Specification

Тип режущего инструмента 3 переворачиваемых ножа из быстрорежущей стали
Регулировка глубины .
Вытяжка пыли Yes
Материал - основная конструкция Алюминий PA6 + GF30
Частота вращения без нагрузки 15 500 об/мин
Индикатор питания Да
Высота изделия 165 мм
Длина изделия 300 мм
Масса изделия 3,9 кг
Ширина изделия 170 мм
Уровень звуковой мощности Lw 98 дБ
Уровень звукового давления Lp 87 дБ
What's in the box - 01 Шлифовальный барабан со шлифовальной втулкой
What's in the box - 02 Строгальный барабан (3 ножа из быстрорежущей стали) установлен на инструменте
What's in the box - 03 1 x Sanding Sleeve 80G
What's in the box - 04 Мешок для сбора пыли с переходником
What's in the box - 05 Направляющая
What's in the box - 06 1 x Dust Port Adaptor
What's in the box - 07 1 x Hex Key
What's in the box - 08 1 x Instruction Manual
What's in the box - 09 1 x Instruction Manual

Комплектная оснастка

Шлифовальный барабан со шлифовальной втулкой
Ножевой барабан (3 ножа из быстрорежущей стали), установленный на инструменте
Мешок для пыли и переходник
Параллельная направляющая
1 x Dust & Chip Bag
1 x Dust Port Adaptor
1 x Hex Key
1 x Instruction Manual


Совместимость с


Sanding Sleeve

Sanding sleeve for Triton Unlimited Rebate Planer 750W (TRPUL) sanding drum.

Find out more


21 Review(s)
Great machine for the price. Only niggle is the abrasive drum came off the aluminium drum and cut the body and smashed the gaurd. No, wasn't over working it. Could live with it but spares are hard to find. The best triton spares guy is no longer trading, now its just hard work.

Great, but... Colin - 11.10.2022

The only planer tool from its class having 3 blades, and the posibility to change the blades drum with a sanding drum. Robust construction.

Very good price/quality ratio Ciutacu Dragos - Ionut - 14.05.2020

Great robust planer, easy cutting depth adjustment and useful shavings collection bag. Additional stabilising handle on the front is great for keeping steady pressure on the tool during use. Rebate function is easy to use and a bonus feature.

TRPUL Rebate Planer Glen Armstrong - 31.03.2020

I use the Triton Unlimited Rebate Planer in construction. No major objections.

Triton Unlimited Rebate Planer is OK Juons - 30.01.2020

I started using Triton tools many years ago with work centre MK 3 and when I needed to buy a belt sander , I looked no further than the trusty triton !!

Awesome Tools Ilias - 30.12.2019

Occasionally noticed a Triton tool when watching some of the better "how to..." videos. I learned from my father and father-in-law that you get what you pay for when it comes to buying tools. I have limited funds but I had an opportunity to confirm my beliefs when buying a refurb...and they were right. I felt quality when I picked up the planer. A lot of though went into creating this tool. I'm looking forward to buying my next refurb.

Finally... Dave Pakulski - 28.10.2019

I always wanted a planer and I saw my chance with a refurb. Solid well made tool that will take some practice for me. I always felt Triton was s step above other tools. Now I know I'm right. Can't wait to get back to learning.

1st time owner Dave Pakulski - 10.10.2019

Well-made, solid planer. Like the ability to switch chip ejection sides quickly and easily. Worth taking some time to reset and re-align the blades before starting: out of the box, mine was cutting deeper to one side (obvious from the moment you run it across some waste timber). Powerful and comfortable to use - more than happy with my purchase!

Chunky monkey Lee - 22.06.2019

nice planer, like the relief opening on the side which allows you to hold the planer in an angle utilizing the whole blade width on a cut if you desire.the 3 blades is a plus compared to all of the other contenders. Plus the actual front handle to hold on to instead of holding on to the depth adjuster as all the others make you do. The only negative is it is a bit top heavy due to the motor location, This planer is replacing an ancient Ryobi planer. I was debating between this one and the Dewalt which most of my tools are. So far I am happy with my decision,

nice planer Andy Fraden - 28.01.2019

As a tradesman, I needed a solid reliable tool, considering all makes with a budget of £300. I looked at websites and watched video's. Then I settled on this one, a big plus was the dust bag included, plus several well thought out ideas, including the 'on' light, triple blade set up, smooth motor and ergonomic design. After using this tool for a week I can report that it is brilliant and I am so happy I bought it, this really is the best planer I have ever used.... So I bought a Triton router to go with it!!

Unlimited plainer Thomas Miller - 13.04.2018

J'ai acheté ce rabot électrique après avoir regardé également les autre marques. Son aspect n'est pas vraiment conventionnel mais c'est très fonctionnel. Il est agréable à utiliser et très efficace. La fonction ponçage est un plus indéniable. je suis très satisfait de cet achat.

Une bonne machine Jacques Lintz - 31.03.2018

Zeer tevreden over de schaafmachine hij werkt goed

triton planer Marwin raijmakers - 21.12.2017

Schaafmachine werkt super goed en dat voor een lage aanschaf prijs

super Marwin raijmakers - 07.12.2017

Decided to achieve quick and nice work, as a beginner making a kitchen, I've hesitated a lot between price and efficiency. By far the TRPUL was the best choice of the year, achieving quick, easy and supernice work with a strudy piece on hand for reasonnable price. Highly recommanded!

My first planner J.P. - 12.09.2017

The planer has performed exceptionally well as I expected. I have 2 Triton Routers, one 5 or 6 years old and I have been very impressed with their performance. My new planner has been no different.

750W Unlimited Rebate Planer Des Russell - 27.06.2017

A very solid feeling machine. Comfortable to use with the large bail handle on front. At full depth can go through wood fine and leave a smooth finish. I haven't had it long. So I can say on the long term durability. The only issues I've noticed so far. Is the depth adjustment is off by 1/32 of an inch. Also more of a design consideration. Is the chip port leaves some to be desired. I use it with a vacuum, and still get a fair amount of chips flying out the bottom. To me these are somewhat minor issues. It is still very good for the price range.

solid feel Robert Hebig - 14.04.2017

Ce rabot me laisse une bonne impression, de tenue en main et d'efficacité. Toutefois, le manchon de raccord au sac d'aspiration ou aspirateur se décroche sous le simple poids du tuyau d'aspirateur externe. Une ergonomie différente pour faciliter la mise en stationnaire serait un plus.

Bon outil ... quelques améliorations seraient un plus. Patrick Loupias - 05.04.2017

Excellent machine. Easy to use and very well balanced

Planner Jeffrey Searle - 28.01.2017

I'm very happy with my Titan Planer I also have a router table and an old original saw bench which I regularly use

Mr Tom Prentice - 19.11.2016

this is an excellent product that does exactly what it said it does unlimited rebates. I have waited a long time to get my hands on one of these and was not disappointed. From creating new door james to window frames work effortly and with the addition of the sanding disk attachment there is very little clean up. As a standard painer it works as well if not better than any other that I've used. All Round a well balanced tool which reduces fatigue when doing bigger jobs. I only had one negative and that is that it doesn't come with it own case, but a $20.00 aluminum case sorted that out. I would definitely give this a 5 star rating and recommend it to anyone looking to purchase one.

rebate plainer Adriaan Wilson - 14.11.2016

Very good.

Triton Unlimited Rebate Planer David Ascott - 19.09.2016